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O my goodness! Was für Fundstücke!

Und ein 8 Stunden Raketenstart-Kaminfeuer-Video der NASA. saturation.social/@clive/11377…

Behold the "sci fi tarot"

a deck in which each card is done in the style of a golden-age pulp sci-fi novel

the ingenious creation of the designer Todd Alcott, who sells 'em online

Item #4 in my latest "Linkfest" newsletter, free to read and subscribe right here: buttondown.com/clivethompson/a…

tenpu suno ni li pona a!
sewi li laso.
suno li seli taso kon li lete.

soweli lili loje tu li lon 🐿️ 🐿️
ona li musi lon kasi suli.

pona a! 🙂

(mi o pana e moku 🌰 tawa soweli lili loje)

Als Antwort auf Jaddy