Bei einer Diskussion über Religion und Toleranz bin ich auf folgenden Text gestossen:
If there is one idea which characterizes "Star Trek" and its successors, it is that differences among people are not merely to be tolerated; they are to be embraced and celebrated.In one of the earliest episodes of "Star Trek," Captain Kirk sternly told a crew member: "Leave any bigotry in your quarters, mister - there's no room for it on the bridge."
[...]Gene [Roddenberry]'s vision has been called many things - innovative, progressive, idealistic. But, at its core, his outlook was always humanistic. For Gene, life was fascinating in its endless diversity. That some people's beliefs, customs, color, size, or shape would prevent them from attaining the respect of others or from living the fullest life possible was unthinkable to him.
Gene was a man who loved humanity unconditionally, fearlessly - from rabbis to agnostics, from university professors to the functionally illiterate . . . and, if he had a chance, from earth person to alien. Humanity - and beyond humanity, people.
Our episodes deal with issues such as war, drugs, prejudice, religion, power, trust, envy, love . . . and other endless dilemmas.
[...] The message is, of course, that we are all alien in one way or another. And those seemingly overwhelming problems are simply conditions which exist in order to draw us together. And draw together we must, for that is the only way to the future.
Moses Maimonides, who lived nearly 900 years ago, wrote a book called The Guide for the Perplexed. In it, he said: "The human race contains such a variety of individuals that we cannot discover two persons exactly alike in any moral quality or external appearance. This great variety and necessity of social life are essential elements in man's nature."
These are the same principles, the same philosophies, which are inherent in "Star Trek."
But let's go back to what "Star Trek" really is. It started out as a television show - a good television show, but, nonetheless, a television show. ..."Star Trek," the legend, is very different: it embraces peace and love and unity, and it says that civilization will reach maturity on the day it learns to value diversity in life and ideas.
As Gene once put it:
To be different is not necessarily to be ugly; to have a different idea is not necessarily to be wrong. The worst thing that could happen is for everyone to look and think and act alike. For if we cannot learn to appreciate the small variations between our own kind here on earth, then God help us when we get out into space and meet the variations that are almost certainly out there.
Think about these words of Gene's. And also:
What a terrible, boring world it would be if everyone agreed with everyone else. And if there weren't different shapes and colors and ideas. . . . My test for a wise human is when they [sic] take a positive delight when someone says, "I disagree with you because. . . ."
What an opportunity this opens!
Was für eine wunderschöne Beschreibung von I.D.I.C., Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations
Geschrieben bzw gesprochen hat sie Majel Barrett(1) in ihrer Dankesrede anlässlich der Verleihung des Humanist Arts Award der American Humanist Association 1995.
Kleine side note: Auf einer Con habe ich mal Robin Curtis getroffen, die ich bis dahin vor allem wegen ihrer Rolle in ST3 bewundert hatte. Auf das Autogrammbild schrieb sie ganz von sich aus "I.D.I.C". Ich war geflasht. Sie sagte mir "Das ist das Wichtigste, was ich aus dem Dreh mitgenommen habe" 🥲
In diesem Sinne: Lasst uns unsere Verschiedenheiten feiern. Lebt lange und zufrieden 🖖
(1) Verheiratet mit Gene Roddenberry, dem Erschaffer von Star Trek. Spielte die Nummer Eins im Pilotfilm, Nurse Chapel in TOS, Lwaxana Troi in TNG und DS9, etc.
Leela Torres :nona: hat dies geteilt.
Leela Torres :nona:
Als Antwort auf Jaddy • • •Ich hab SNW noch nicht gesehen. Ich hoffe da trauen sie sich mehr wieder auf diese Grundphilosophie zu beziehen 🖖
Als Antwort auf Leela Torres :nona: • •stevE 🌼
Als Antwort auf Jaddy • • •Jaddy mag das.
stevE 🌼
Als Antwort auf Jaddy • • •(In meinem Fall STTNG, falls es interessiert...