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"Gender is one of the oldest and most established systems for controlling people. And if you think the youth fucking with it is annoying that's probably because it's messing with a power structure that benefits you"

👆 this.

(source doesn't want to be mentioned)


teilten dies erneut

Als Antwort auf Jaddy

Oh. I never considered this. Wow. I love the implications.I'm going to be thinking about this all day today.
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

I've always liked Urvashi Vaid's comment about it:

"Gender is a poorly understood yet rigidly defended system of power rooted in the binary"

Als Antwort auf Matilda (junklight)

@junklight I think that's the most accurate version. There are centuries of cultures with a history of what we would consider as transgender.
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

Is this a post about youth fucking with things and being annoying or is it about Gender?

What has youth today contributed that hasn't been done by past generations to the topic of Gender?

Each generation's, youth are often clobbered trying to figure out what they want in their lives. That is tragic. It can be frustrating and sad. It is not annoying.

What did youths do that is new to the Gender topic? I may need more coffee. Don't mean to be obtuse.

Als Antwort auf jim

@innivate survive their parents and hope to live lives longer than them…. Most of us won’t be it from lack of resources, poverty, disability, hate crimes etc. Many youths of the past have never had to maneuver a world completely connected, yet simultaneously isolated at the same time. One which wants to destroy your entire being, where half the countries see you as an abomination. Before, it was just your community that hated you, now the world is against us. That’s a huge difference. World erasure over community acceptance. That’s what we’re dealing with.
Als Antwort auf Lee Styxx

@GenerallyAnnoyed I feel like if we went to our parents or even slightly older generations you'd see similar issues.

Arguably we've heard the 'world' was against youths before. Genocide, pollution - none of it is new. Gender certainly isn't.

Nothing anyone has done to Gender in my lifetime is actually new that I can see.

It would be really difficult for 'youths' of any generation to make a claim of legitimately 'fucking with' Gender.

It's not a topic owned by youth alone.🤔

Als Antwort auf jim

@innivate the reason being the youth have the vigour and ability to fight for gender freedom and expression, while elder queer individuals have spent their lives advocating and pivoting. That’s tiring and defeating. You’d stop fighting and just fight for your own peace as well. When you realize no one else cares like you do for you right to live truthfully, it’s heartbreaking. It breaks you down and beats you to an individual pulp. It’s not just a youth thing, but life and experience for the most part hasn’t destroyed what little amount of fight they have left.
Als Antwort auf jim

@innivate and you missed my point. You’re right, none of it is new, but they were in individual communities, not global. Before you only had to worry about your neighbour killing you in the immediate. Now it’s every single fucking person on the earth. How shameful.
Als Antwort auf jim

@innivate my grandmother didn’t have a television growing up nor a radio she was so poor, and yet now I can hold a little square box and click a button and see her in her assisted living 8 hours away. It’s NOT the same as previous generations.
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

Entire economies depend on wage suppression for women. And LGBTQ, immigrants, & POC.

#KochNetwork fought a 50 year battle to thwart the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment for a reason.

To keep their 30% wage discount on women's earnings, the wealthy are funding lawsuits to declare the NLRB "unconstitutional".

Musk, Bezos, SpaceX, Trader Joe's, Amazon...




Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (6 Monate her)
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

We need a new term for what your biologically born as. Gender is now a word for what you refer to as. We a new term for what you biologically born vs what you are identify with
Als Antwort auf Mix Mistress Alice

@mixmistressalice im right though. Thats the definition of gender. What you refer to as. If genders what you refer to as then what do we call for what your biologically born as
Als Antwort auf Chairman Meh

@chairman_meh@kolektiva.socia@mixmistressalice@kolektiva.social What do you mean by that?
Als Antwort auf Hunterrules

@Hunterrules0_o why do we need a word like that? Why is which of the (arbitrarily defined, also socially constructed) binary boxes a doctor assigned when someone was born so important for you that we so desperately need a word for it?
Als Antwort auf undead enby of the apocalypse

uhh because am I suppose to ask the girl I like if hes acutally a dude. shits akward :/
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (6 Monate her)
Als Antwort auf Hunterrules

@Hunterrules0_o oh, you’re one of those people… Don’t you think it’s kinda creepy to be so invested in other people’s genitals? Or details about their medical history? Don’t you think that might be none of your business? Don’t you have some basic respect for other people? Well, clearly not. Fuck you. Enjoy your block.
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

I quote the philosopher Socrates when I say, "Abso-fucking-lutely."
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

There is no fate but what we make.

There's nothing pre-ordained about gender based pay inequity.

Only religious bigots & exploitive billionaires think wages & gender are "destined".






New laws are needed to stop wage suppression schemes

Als Antwort auf Jaddy

"source doesn't want to be mentioned"

I guess I know now how to deal with my next plagiarism accusations…

(just joking of course, I'm not accusing you of lying. 😆)

Als Antwort auf Jaddy

Cool! Thanks for sharing.

I'm all for messing with power structures, in particular those that benefit me. But if we're talking about 'oldest and most established systems' I would like to have some more clues here on how to inspect mentioned system. Can I read more about this 'system'?

My gut feel is that it's more statistical/cultural than intentional/systemic… which would mean that the need for change is as dire, but the tactics should be radically different.

Als Antwort auf iwein

@iwein workers.org/2013/08/10441/

"What was lost included the communality and social equality of women and men; the wise guidance of the councils of older women; the humane, communal ethics that ensured the well-being of all the members of the clan; the collective care that was of such great benefit to the children; and the relaxed, relatively unrestricted enjoyment of exogamous sex."
how about agriculture leading to marriage/policing virginity as a way of controlling who inherits?

Als Antwort auf tiny_m

@tiny_m thanks for sharing, very interesting read. Not sure if it proves malicious intent to create an oppressive system, or it describes an emergent property of human nature. It does put agriculture in a pivotal role in societal design, which resonates with my own views. We can understand and change this, I feel. That's hopeful. Thanks again!
Als Antwort auf iwein

@iwein the development of agriculture was not created with malicious intent but you must see how that ended up corrupted into a system which persecutes women and then led to a rigidly enforced gender binary where one gender was deliberately subjugated. It seems pretty clear cut. Otherwise the history of female persecution and white colonialism enforced on other cultures was just unfortunate happenstance rather than deliberately enforced power structures from the people in control
Als Antwort auf tiny_m

@tiny_m I think we're in agreement.

For the record, I didn't mean to suggest that the existence of an underlying cultural or even biological problem absolves us from fighting systemic evil (obviously). It's good to understand the cause is deeper. Imo it helps to root it out more effectively. Thanks for your help!

Als Antwort auf tiny_m

@tiny_m Controlling who inherits is the very basis of patriarchy and most religions.

I am slowly reaching the conclusion that abolishing private land ownership is the first step to saving our species and ecosphere.

@iwein @jaddy

Als Antwort auf LillyLyle/Count Melancholia

@LillyHerself @iwein I studied the agrarian revolution & how enclosure of common land forced people into subservience to land owners instead of being self sufficient. Someone compared the social media giants gatekeeping the internet as another form of enclosure of what should be common land and I think about that a lot, about how as humans we're all entitled to share the commons which indigenous cultures understand & uphold. The power structures in place are designed to keep us out
Als Antwort auf LillyLyle/Count Melancholia

@LillyHerself @iwein I hadn't really thought of it before I saw it mentioned. I'm glad that there is a strong voice for net neutrality and I feel like a lot of original pioneers of the internet are still around to champion it and to ensure there is always a part of it that is free to publish to and free to own. As a web developer I feel really strongly about the power of the internet as a social good. Community is essential to standing up to these power structures. We need a free internet
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

Couldn't agree more. Gender absolutely is a control method, and I'm glad I never bought into it :drgn_happy: :agender_flag:
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

society has evolved over time (and also more specifically - gender role evolution), so there are many ways we can talk about what was "traditional" or "feminine"/"masculine"/etc.
Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag


@Deor I’m afraid, that’s what sex is.

Gender is what happens, when people look at you and impose all the stereotypes and prejudices of their culture, traditions, education and habits upon you, based on your appearance. Then you are being gendered. And since we all have those stereotypes and prejudices, we do the same with others and with ourselves.

Als Antwort auf Jaddy

"Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it." -- George Orwell, *Collected Essays, Journalism, and Letters of George Orwell*
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

oh I see. That makes sense. I agree no one should be forced into stereotypes and prejudices.
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

lol. I came on to vent about dudes disregarding women & this is the first post in my feed. 🤔 I’m currently dealing with a landlord that is trying to control my housing for “favors” & he’s offended I’m not down & not in a panic about being homeless in lieu of said “favors”. 🤦‍♀️
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

And this is why it is soooo damn hard to transition from one gender to another.
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

Possibly because it messed with a power structure that would have previously benefited you, so you got less benefit, didn't get the help you needed, and didn't succeed. A lot of people are speaking from the pain of an unfulfilled life. It hurts to think that this convoluted preoccupation with genders might have been what did it to you. Easy to suspect it's true.
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

Evolution of Thought is happening, my friend. I do not see youth altering social constructs.
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

No... just no. Gender IS used as a weapon. But gender doesnt control anything. It is a set of labels. It is the story of those labels that controls. It is the storyteller, the power of the storyteller to be heard, that controls. Gender is real, and too the confusion of some, derived from physiology even as we define past those origins. Both the patriarchy and those who push back against it are wrestling for control of... the story. When labels turn into boxes, call out the story.
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

does he really not want to be mentioned, or did you just get this from a tweet screenshot that blacked out his name? It’s a pretty well known tweet.


Als Antwort auf Jocelynephiliac :reclaimer:

@Jocelynephiliac :reclaimer: @Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦 They posted it in a non-public forum yesterday. I send them the link to my post.
Wherever it came from, I read it there first and I am happy to see how many people agree with it☺️
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

I love this sentiment and I think the young generation is doing amazing work. I sincerely hope that identifying as non-binary will ensure that half of them don't face lower pay, higher rates of sexual assault, poorer medical care, fewer opportunities, more domestic violence, no reproductive freedom, and everything else that women have been fighting against for decades.
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

if you feel threatened by the words of others saying they have feelings then check yourself 😵‍💫
In case it's not obvious. I agree with you entirely
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

I swear I've heard this exact quote from a YouTube video. But if the source doesn't want to be mentioned then maybe they just have the same idea as this video.
Als Antwort auf Jaddy

G m NJ y tryst g

Sensitiver Inhalt

Als Antwort auf Jaddy

I'm pretty comfortable as a male. But outside of my sex-life, gender is irrelevant. I reached the same conclusion.