Baby changing station in a gender-neutral space is good, otherwise you're holding the baby with one hand trying to dig around the bottom of the pram for the spare wipes or something with the other, while your partner has to wait outside
Even better if it's a dedicated parents' room, but at least a gender-neutral space
@Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: @sabik One would guess, that „All“ would be enough for ~well~ all, but I guess, the binaries really need some gender affirmation even when peeing 😏
(would be hilarious, if all three doors lead to the same room…)
Arri Blais :verified_trans:
Als Antwort auf Ryan Castellucci • • •Wired: ALLLLLLLLL!!!!
Als Antwort auf Ryan Castellucci • • •Baby changing station in a gender-neutral space is good, otherwise you're holding the baby with one hand trying to dig around the bottom of the pram for the spare wipes or something with the other, while your partner has to wait outside
Even better if it's a dedicated parents' room, but at least a gender-neutral space
Ryan Castellucci
Als Antwort auf sabik • • •Ryan Castellucci
Als Antwort auf Ryan Castellucci • • •sabik
Als Antwort auf Ryan Castellucci • • •Jaddy
Als Antwort auf Ryan Castellucci • •@Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: @sabik One would guess, that „All“ would be enough for ~well~ all, but I guess, the binaries really need some gender affirmation even when peeing 😏
(would be hilarious, if all three doors lead to the same room…)
mögen das
Lou mag das.
Ryan Castellucci
Als Antwort auf Jaddy • • •Jaddy mag das.