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Embrace, Extend, and Exploit: Meta's plan for ActivityPub, Mastodon and the fediverse


  1. Embrace #ActivityPub, , #Mastodon, and the #fediverse
  2. Extend ActivityPub, Mastodon, and the fediverse with a very-usable app that provides additional functionality (initially the ability to follow everybody you're following on Instagram, and to communicate with all #Threads users) that isn't available to the rest of the fediverse – as well over time providing additional services and introducing incompatibilities and non-standard improvements to the protocol
  3. Exploit ActivityPub, Mastodon, and the fediverse by utilizing them for profit – and also using them selfishly for Meta's own ends
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (6 Monate her)
Als Antwort auf Maikel 🇪🇺

@maikel whew. Things to do over the holidays: find a better blogging solution. Thanks again for letting me know!
Als Antwort auf The Nexus of Privacy

excellent article btw, just finished, my take is a naming convention you might have just created:

> REGIONS of the fediverse.

I don't think there was a better word to define it because it creates nothing new with that word. e.g.: there's a region already made of Truth SOcial, there's another region made of instances in PLeroma that rarely anyone federates with, there's the region where you and I are right now discussing this. The fediverse has always been fractured and I love it is.

It gives me HOPE Threads won't be able to destroy it.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (6 Monate her)
Als Antwort auf Maikel 🇪🇺

@maikel thanks, glad you like it! And yes, it's a great point that there are already multiple regions of the fediverse.

And no, Threads won't be able to destroy what many of us find great about the fediverse: a network of instances that are local communities (at least to some extent) plugging into a broader discussion. We are not without power here! One of the most important aspects of #FediPact is that it signaled how many instances are ready to say no to Meta.

Als Antwort auf The Nexus of Privacy


Thank you for the article! Cross-referencing to another toot thread I referenced yesterday in my follow-up to the Open Ecosystems Standards Process proposal:


Which was posted here, btw:


One aspect that is insidiuous is how basically all public communication on the subject - for or against, good or bad - serves as helpful 'stakeholder' feedback for product strategy and development. We are Royal Free Beer Providers 😬

Als Antwort auf smallcircles (Humanity Now 🕊)

@smallcircles Thanks! That thread by Jason is great, I had linked to one of the posts in in it in footnote 0.

On the Open Ecosystems Standards Process, I agree with Hamish's point earlier in the thread that it needs to be considered from an activism perspective. The current fediverse power structure's interests (and attitudes towards welcoming surveillance capitalism) are very differen than the broader population; and lack of diversity on the SCIWG means that they have no claim whatsoever of representing broader interests. And I don't see either of those changing.

@maikel @RyunoKi

Als Antwort auf The Nexus of Privacy

@maikel @RyunoKi

Indeed. Though as FEP editor and SocialHub staff member I currently don't take radical positions. But I advocate strongly for a Fediverse where the Commons stays in control.

The only way the ecosystem stays open if it is decentralized like the technology itself with independent dev hubs, communities and projects.

From there stuff should permeate to become more standardized. We should continue highlighting diversity and the humane tech that helps fosters it.

Als Antwort auf smallcircles (Humanity Now 🕊)

@maikel @RyunoKi

I'm not active in SocialCG. As any W3C CG it is bound by the Code of Ethics and should offer an inclusive working environment. I encourage anyone, esp. those from minority groups to involve themselves in the various processes that are maturing.


Also anyone can help keep the focus on humane technology on the Fediverse that helps support, foster and further improve our rather unique culture. As I did here:


Nice. Though as an advocate of humane technology I have some feedback I'd like to provide.

AFAICS the project is closed source. Is your service/app aggregating data? Are you collecting interaction data from hashtag actor followers? What is the privacy policy? Is the service affiliated to your research work? Your research company?