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A new #fediverse tool I've been working on (please be gentle on it!): hashtag.place! It is a simple way to follow #hashtags as bot accounts, useful for ActivityPub implementations that don't support native following of hashtags, and for smaller/self-hosted instances that may not see a lot of the tagged posts from larger instances.

It's pretty simple:
1. Pick a hashtag you want to follow (e.g., #running)
2. Replace the #-sign with an @-sign and search for that user on the hashtag.place server (e.g., @running)
3. Follow the bot account and it will every few minutes post new posts with that hashtag seen on larger instances!

(The bots will self-delete if they have 0 followers for a few days, so don't worry if you don't like it and unfollow).

Feedback welcome for my first foray into #ActivityPub development!

Als Antwort auf Jacob Torrey

Nice! Where does it get the content from? Relays, I presume, but it's that the case? If so, which?
Als Antwort auf Peter Toft Jølving

I actually use the timeline API from bigger instances to get it from them directly.
Als Antwort auf Peter Toft Jølving

Nice. Though as an advocate of humane technology I have some feedback I'd like to provide.

AFAICS the project is closed source. Is your service/app aggregating data? Are you collecting interaction data from hashtag actor followers? What is the privacy policy? Is the service affiliated to your research work? Your research company?

Als Antwort auf smallcircles (Humanity Now 🕊)

Good questions, I will be pushing it to GitHub soon for issue tracking and letting others self-host. I'm not using it for research purposes, I don't track any of the data about who follows or who creates a hashtag bot. It's just something I find useful and wanted to share.
Als Antwort auf smallcircles (Humanity Now 🕊)

Sorted! There's now a privacy policy and it's open-source on github.com/ranok/hashtagplace/…