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"Neither Elon Musk Nor Anybody Else Will Ever Colonize Mars"

It's great to see someone FINALLY mention the magnetosphere issue, in the very first sentence no less, but this article rips into the idea so much more thoroughly than that, and with admirable gusto.

#skeptic #musk #mars


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Als Antwort auf anandamide

I dislike sharing information that might delay Musk and other millionaires from departing
Als Antwort auf anandamide

The book “A City on Mars” by @ZachWeinersmith and his wife Kelly, takes apart the whole idea of space colonisation. acityonmars.com
Als Antwort auf Bruno Nicoletti

@bjn @ZachWeinersmith I think I still have its counterpart, Robert Zubrin's "The Case for Mars", lying around. I haven't read it. I probably never will. It would infuriate me too much.
Als Antwort auf Bernd

@hopfgeist @bjn Zubrin disagrees with us a lot, but I would say he's the best opposition voice in book-length. His science is totally solid, it's just a matter of how you feel about his planning and analysis of history and values, etc.
Als Antwort auf Bernd

@hopfgeist @bjn I think it'd be informative. He genuinely dislikes us (the words "dishonest" and "enemy" have been used) but it's essentially the classic work in the field. Musk is a fan of it. If you want to know where the community is at, it's pretty central. We just think it skips over a lot of potential showstoppers and relies on theories of history that are inaccurate.
Als Antwort auf Zach Weinersmith

@ZachWeinersmith @bjn the X-Plane flight simulator had a "Mars" mode, simulating Mars gravity and atmospheric conditions. While we were developing planes to fly in that "thin air" (which we now know definitively to be totally possible), some 10 years ago, the book was mentioned a couple of times.