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I think this might be my favorite driveway-night-sky shot I’ve ever taken.

No filters, just a long exposure on a semi-cloudy night with stars and planets visible in the clear spots.

ICE agents come to the house of an immigrant activist, he tells them he will come out of the house to them if they have a judicial warrant, as people are told to do now.

They bring a dozen more agents, a Bearcat armored vehicle, battering ram and stun grenades, and break in.


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Als Antwort auf JamieGC 🏴 🏳️‍🌈 🖖

Remember when years ago people said

"they're doing this to Palestinians, and if you don't speak out they'll do it here".

Endlich mal etwas gescheites in der Flut aus Rundmails auf der Arbeit:

Der Verein Tadel Verpflichtet e.V. und die Bundesvereinigung der Lebenshilfe e.V. habe eine Broschüre in leichter Sprache rausgebracht:

Demokratie Schützen - Gefährliche politische Ideen erkennen

Wichtig, dass es so etwas gibt!
Ich bin dann mal afk...lesen.

#demokratieschützen #tadelverpflichtetev #lebenshilfeev #leichtesprache #radikalehöflichkeit

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“The last several days we’ve witnessed an authoritarian takeover of our federal government by Elon Musk and Donald Trump. They have set their sights on a full purge of anyone in government that doesn’t bend the knee and follow their orders.” - Sen. Wyden
Als Antwort auf Indivisible

The best way to get your senators’ attention right now is planning a visit to their closest office. We put together a toolkit with everything you need to make sure your elected officials are fighting back against the illegal Trump-Musk power grab: indivisi.org/choosetofight

21% der Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte halten die AfD für wählbar, das wurde in einer aktuellen Studie herausgefunden. Über die Gründe berichtet Normen Odenthal.
Als Antwort auf kolya

Vielleicht hilft ja das hier weiter.
Sie haben wohl beide recht.
@Hilde17 @zdfheute

EFF’s @cooperq joins @verge's Vergecast to discuss privacy and security questions around TikTok, RedNote, DeepSeek and other apps connected to China - and how what we really need is a strong federal privacy law. theverge.com/the-vergecast/605…

May this animation provide distraction for you, if even for a couple seconds, from the chaos of this day and age. ❤️


Als Antwort auf incre.ment

This is an IBM mainframe doing an image rotation before graphic cards were invented.

How Wearing Ridiculously Long Pointed Shoes Became a Medieval Fashion Trend


Billionaires are not “self-made men”. Trans men are self-made men.

FBI paints over wall listing core values including ‘diversity’ following Trump’s DEI crackdown


#transgender #trans #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA

Writing my own stories is still helping me to breathe and even find joy, during this flaming-sewer moment we're in.

And there's good news! My writing advice book Never Say You Can't Survive is now a paperback!

How can you focus enough to write during this horrible time? I have some thoughts:


Als Antwort auf Yoko's Asterisk 🏳️‍⚧

That book sounds like the sort of thing I need right now. Consider that paperback ordered (through my local indie shop).

In which a framework to evaluate car dependency is developed with seven components. Components range from external to an individual (land use system, transport systems, natural environment) to internal (objective features - socio-economic, disability, mobility means or subjective features - perceived security on public transport). Crossover of components include temporal (car as time-saving, activity time requirements, service opening hours, transport service times) and social environment (living location, subjective norms, social responsibilities). Policy decisions around car dependency should consider the full range of components.
36/ #365papers
Stuck in the driver’s seat: a conceptualisation for understanding car dependence and its determinant

Ik eet dan wel gewoon andijvie. rtl.nl/nieuws/binnenland/video…

TIL: dont trust ISO8859-1 encoded filenames to work in gui applications on your linux system.

Aaaaand there we have it.

Google’s new AI policy removes promises not work on weapons or surveillance - The Washington Post

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#btw25 #Wahlumfrage vom 03.02.2025 zur #Bundestagswahl von Institut Wahlkreisprognose : CDU/CSU: 28% (−0,5), AfD: 19,5% (−2), SPD: 16,5% (−0,5), Grüne: 12% (−2), BSW: 5,5% (+1), Linke: 5% (+1,5), FDP: 4,5% (+1), Freie Wähler: 2,5% (+1), Sonstige: 6,5% (+0,5).
Vergleich mit dem letzten Wahlergebnis vom 26.09.2021: CDU/CSU: +3,8, AfD: +9,1, SPD: −9,2, Grüne: −2,7, BSW: +5,5, Linke: +0,1, FDP: −6,9, Freie Wähler: +0,1. - dawum.de/Bundestag/Wahlkreispr…

Google removes pledge to not use AI for weapons from website tcrn.ch/4jMOfdi

A friend just pointed out that the Spritely and Free our Feeds campaigns are doing ALMOST the same as each other but I would selfishly like to see the Spritely campaign end higher than FoF when it's done


Als Antwort auf Christine Lemmer-Webber

Listen, this is the most shallow fundraising post I will ever make

just let me have this one shallow fundraising post thank youuuuu

Als Antwort auf Christine Lemmer-Webber

WE DID IT WE BEAT FREE OUR FEEDS spritely.institute/donate/

Thank you in supporting me in being shallow about this fundraising ask!! Christine *can* have a shallow fundraising ask, as a treat, it turns out


I have learned to solve my new puzzle! As you can see, each cube opens in a different way. #pets

Just call me Lola Bean the Puzzle Queen!


Green Glacier

Early November and the skies are clear of cloud.
We're in Hornafjörður in south-eastern #Iceland, it's 8pm and Fláajökull glacier is over-topped by streams and ribbons of the #NorthernLights.

Such a wonder. I'm so lucky to have danced beneath the #aurora and in a place like this, with some of the darkest skies in the world (Bortle 1).

Here's a rendered map of the same scene:


#AuroraTuesday #LandscapePhotography #AstroPhotography

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Als Antwort auf George Takei 🏳️‍🌈🖖🏽

Every time I hear her talk I am amazed and want to hear more.
She knows what is going on, and she says it perfectly.
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I don’t know what it is, but it feels like some German acting school has decided that every line delivery should be said like the setup for a quip.

I find German TV and movies unlistenable these days.

Is it just me?

Als Antwort auf Eric Eggert

I get where you're coming from but I guess this is also due to the way dubs are produced. Someone has to translate and then script them to match lip movement all on a tight schedule, and for the actors to nail them as quickly as possible. Voice Over standard speech in German is really quite fascinating. It's weird.
Als Antwort auf Casey

@kc But this is a German production, right? So not dubbed but produced in German language. (Some ADR sure, but that shouldn’t affect line delivery as much.)

$42 Billion Broadband Grant Program May Scrap Biden Admin's Preference For Fiber yro.slashdot.org/story/25/02/0…

Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

mastodon - Link zum Originalbeitrag

@necrosis Bei dem #Straßenzustand in #Heidelberg, täglich mindestens 14 Kilometer und meinem Körpergewicht bestimmt. Ja. Ich könnte einmal die @heidelberg um einen Zuschuss zur Reparatur bitten, wegen der Schlaglöcher.

Kommentar meiner nepalesischen Freundin zum Straßenzustand Heidelbergs: „wie in Nepal!!!“

@velozipedist @sr_rolando @Kalle27 @fbausch @FrVaBe

Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

mastodon - Link zum Originalbeitrag
@necrosis @sr_rolando @Kalle27 @fbausch @FrVaBe Ich liebäugle ja immer mit Stahl als Rahmenmaterial. Die Stahlräder, die ich bisher hatte, waren vom Rahmen her immer problemlos und spürbar komfortabel.

Als Antwort auf Twra Sun

wie kann man Mr. Burns und Smithers... ah ne, Merz und Linnemann, eigentlich nicht leiden?

Transforming a Nuclear Shelter! The Rise of R2-D2 Graffiti: streetartutopia.com/transformi…

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Als Antwort auf De Baehr

Soweit sind wir gekommenen...
Das ist das, was Herr Merz und sein Schubladendenken anrichten.
#labeling #rassismus
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Those Pick Me Girl Posts crack me up, because they always say something like:

I like wearing pajamas
Eating food
Staying in
Reading books and playing games

Like anyone hates those things or would be offended by it. Come to Mastodon, that's basically everyone here.

As always, EFF is excited to be back in Pasadena, CA for #SCaLE 22x! Interested in attending? EFF supporters can get 50% off tickets by using code "EFF" when registering online. See you there! eff.org/event/eff-scale-22x


The kids are on the tikkitytoks and instamagrams showing off their empty warehouses and workspaces at food/consumer goods industrial sites, and giving a clear warning:

If you can’t get your favorite foods and goods in about 3 to 6 weeks, you can blame the illegal mass deportations and lack of a workforce to make your food.


Umami, oh-ho!
Umami, oh-ho-ho-ho!
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Klar hat Globalisierung in den letzten Jahrzehnten (Abstiegs-)Ängste geschürt.¹ Deswegen fremde Menschen zu bekämpfen ist absurder Populismus.

Das begann nicht erst mit von Niedrig- nach Niedrigst­lohnland ziehenden Produktions­straßen und „Kapitalismus!“ rufenden Anzügen, die in der „abgewickelten“ DDR überteuerte unnötige Versicherungen vertickten.
¹Ängste, auf die die Politik nie inhaltlich reagiert hat, vielmehr hat sie sich vielfach auf die Seite des internationalen Kapitals geschlagen

Ich hab mir jetzt endlich den Teil zur Ukraine, Waffenlieferungen, Außenpolitik angehört, ca ab Min 30, halbe Stunde etwa. Jan @vanaken bei Tilo Jung.

Ich bin keine Freundin der strikten Haltung der Linken zu Waffenlieferungen, aber gerade deswegen empfehle ich dieses Gespräch. Sehr.


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Als Antwort auf Anne Roth

Je mehr ich in letzter Zeit von den Linken höre, desto stärker wird mein Entschluss sie zu wählen. Aber leider bekommt man kaum etwas davon mit.

Die gute Nachricht: Alle Roboter dürfen bleiben.

reticuleena Leena Simon hat dies geteilt.

Musk’s most devout fans are now at a loss. They liked the tax program. They used it. And now they’re wondering why their hero just nuked something that helped regular people.

It’s cognitive dissonance in real time, and the schadenfreude is truly divine. thegodpodcast.com/p/foreign-bi…

Als Antwort auf God

He (or Trump) probably has stock in tax companies. 🤷‍♂️
Als Antwort auf God

i would never give Elon a penny, nor a drink of water if he were dying of thirst.

I have made good money shorting TSLA, and I feel really good about that.