It turns out I am being kept healthy by a medicine discovered by research into platypus venom?…
Platypus venom paves way to possible diabetes treatment
Australian researchers say platypus venom could pave the way for new type 2 diabetes treatments.BBC News
Die Wirkung der Demos #gegenRechts
Wenn Option 2 bitte auch die die angehängte Umfrage beantworten.
- zeigen ausreichend Wirkung & sind genauso richtig (13%, 6 Stimmen)
- sind nicht ausreichend und müssen sich ändern (63%, 29 Stimmen)
- Ich hab keine Ahnung/ Will Ergebnisse sehen (23%, 11 Stimmen)
Gerne auch mit Vorschlägen und Ideen oder einer Beschreibung und Erklärung
- Die Demos müssen radikaler werden (51%, 18 Stimmen)
- Wir brauchen zivilen Ungehorsam (71%, 25 Stimmen)
- Die Aktionsform muss sich ändern, aber friedlich (60%, 21 Stimmen)
- Nur Ergebnisse (2%, 1 Stimme)
I am so gonna put this on almost every slide and blogpost from now on.
“A use case is a solution to a problem you wish you had”…
Stephen Farrugia (
Video Dispatch: A Use Case is a Trojan Horse A use case is a solution to a problem they wish you had🌱
Waldbrände und Dürren: Was kommt nach dem Feuer?
Eine globale Studie zeigt, welche Faktoren eine schnelle Erholung von Extremwetter und Bränden ermöglichen und welche schaden.Julia Macher (RiffReporter)
NYU Law professor Noah Rosenblum posted on Bluesky yesterday that “[t]here has never been a larger gap in my (admittedly quite short) professional life between how lay folks and law profs are talking about what is happening in government right now. So much of what Trump is doing is just blatantly illegal — often in several ways at once.”It seems obvious that Trump and Musk are running the basic play we’ve seen before from Musk and other Silicon Valley billionaires–move fast, break things (with “things” very much including the law), and then dare folks to try and do something about it.
The Democrats "gotcha! lol" approach to politics is negligent. There's no mystery here about what to do nor what needs to be done--they're simply not doing it. They prefer tweeting and fundraising to doing their jobs, it
seems. The entire party needs to be fired.
Why Write About the Illegality of What Trump and Musk are Doing?
By Samuel Bagenstos NYU Law professor Noah Rosenblum posted on Bluesky yesterday that “[t]here has never been a larger gap in my (admittedly quite short)...Inside/Outside
Make sure you're doing the work you enjoy, no matter how many other business tasks you may feel obliged to do.…
#writing #amwriting
Saubere Robotaxis: Tesla zeigt autonomen Reinigungsroboter fürs Cybercab
In einem Video zeigt Tesla die Vision, wie seine autonomen Roboterautos genauso autonom von Robotern gereinigt werden können.
"This Robot sucks": Tesla zeigt eine ANIMATION eines Reinigungsroboters für Robotaxis
Und wir alle wissen, dass Animationen aus Musks Unternehmen immer total realistisch sind und umgesetzt werden.…
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
How Trump is targeting wind and solar energy – and delighting big oil | Donald Trump | The Guardian (Me: Burning down the house for today’s profit is GOP/Trump mantra!)
Source: How Trump is targeting wind and solar energy – and delighting big oil | Donald Trump | The Guardian
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How Trump is targeting wind and solar energy – and delighting big oil
Critics say Trump is using every presidential power possible against clean power in sharp turn after Biden investments created jobsOliver Milman (The Guardian)
How Trump is targeting wind and solar energy – and delighting big oil | Donald Trump | The Guardian (Me: Burning down the house for today’s profit is GOP/Trump mantra!)
Source: How Trump is targeting wind and solar energy – and delighting big oil | Donald Trump | The Guardian
Wenn wir mit Grönland sprechen wegen einer Mitgliedschaft in der EU (nicht mehr nur assoziiert gem. Art. 198 AEUV), dann hätte die EU eine Grenze mit Kanada.
Kanada könnte - zumindest technisch & politisch/kulturell gesehen - Mitglied der Europäischen Union werden, weil es grenzt ja an Dänemark.
#Whiskykrieg #HansInsel #Tartupaluk
Levels of Microplastics in Human Brains May Be Rapidly Rising, Study Suggests - Slashdot
The exponential rise in microplastic pollution over the past 50 years may be reflected in increasing contamination in human brains, according to a new
Alpine Linux needs your help, a significant sponsorship will end soon.
This post explains what is affected and how you can help:
Shopify has been supporting Nazis (by not banning them from their platform) for a long time and Shopify's management is heavily right-leaning. But it's not just that. The RubyOnRails leader ist also a Trump fan. The Ruby ecosystem seems to be a bad place.…
Shopify’s a Nazi bar and their outsized influence in the Ruby community remains problematic for the health of the language.…
@jace Ruby has a Nazi problem.
I can't believe I'm saying that…but I don't know how else to say what is clear as day.
Coup d’Etat (mit Lorenz Meyer)
Der Staatsstreich kommt per Kontoauszug - Elon Musk hat jetzt Zugriff auf alle Zahlungen, die das Finanzministerium auslöst - und damit auch direkte Einblicke in die Geschäfte seiner Konkurrenzunternehmen mit Regierungsverträgen. Na Prost.Haken dran – das Social-Media-Update der c't
Issue #578 of Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter about WebAssembly compiler in a tweet, cs16.css, and library asset pack is out - go check it!
#HTML5 #JavaScript #gamedevjs #gamedev #weekly #newsletter #WASM
WebAssembly compiler in a tweet, cs16.css, and library asset pack
Check out issue #578 of Gamedev.js Weekly — the free, weekly newsletter about web game development.Gamedev.js Weekly
US-Präsident Trump will Finanzhilfen für Südafrika auf Eis legen
US-Präsident Trump nimmt Südafrika ins Visier: Die dortige Regierung konfisziere Landbesitz und behandele "bestimmte Klassen" schlecht. Deshalb würden alle Finanzhilfen auf Eis gelegt. Die Regierung in Pretoria widerspricht. Von S. Ueberbach.
ich find's Klasse! Er macht einen auf Diktator und ich kenn Leute die finden ihn für seine Sachen super. Aussage: er macht zumindestens das was er gesagt hat!
You get, what you want!!
Außerdem, ist es bei dem Chinesen auch so,.das Sie sagen, wer bei uns verkaufen will, muss auch bei uns im Land etwas aufbauen.
Da bis jetzt alles billig war, hat sich DA keiner so gross aufgeregt!!
THIS is the real reason
It's not "America first." It's not about jobs or how "unfairly" other nations have treated us. It's for goddamn sure not about opioids and the border
No. It's THIS, right here. When Trump said "Make America Great Again" what he meant was back when rich people owned everything (including other people) and had all the money and didn't have to pay taxes because poor Americans funded the government by paying tariffs on imported goods
For the rich, It's always about money
Is this another Monday distraction from, well, everything?
Yes, but *what* a distraction: a jaw-dropping 416 megapixel mosaic of the Andromeda Galaxy!…
A N D R O M E D A Redux
A mind-blowing super-hi-res image of our galaxy’s siblingBad Astronomy Newsletter
Oh thank you! Although I subscribe to your emailed newsletter, Phil, I didn’t pick up on this. Also I’m a new subscriber to all-access Scientific American because I know science communication may be limited. So I do hope my #Photography friends in particular here in Fediverse see and read your article!
I heard Trey Ratliff recounting his efforts compiling 50 photos for a wall size cityscape he took in Dubai that was paid for by an ultra rich businessman. He said 10 computers were linked and it still took 10 hours to create the mega resolution file needed to print the wall mural of his work. At that time, it was mind-boggling to me, about 8 years ago.
And yet another #astrophotography from last years galaxy season. (Slowly filling my pixelfed 😉)
This one is M81 and M82, Bodes and the cigar galaxy. If the weather allows for it this is another possible candidate to reshoot for this years galaxy season.
Global stock markets take a tumble,
Thanks to Trump and his tariff rumble.
Investors are wary,
Economies are scary,
As they weather the market's wild grumble.
#GuardianLimerick #Business #Economics #Germany #France #Spain #Italy #FTSE #Banking #Europe…
US, UK and European stock markets plunge amid ‘Trump tariff tantrum’
FTSE 100 and Dow Jones fall after US president rattles investors by targeting China, Canada and MexicoGraeme Wearden (The Guardian)
Brian Tatosky
Als Antwort auf Charlie Stross • • •Just the sort of thing that a nitwit politician would wave in front of the press as a waste of taxpayer money.
Instead look what science might lead us to. Amazing
Peter Cohen
Als Antwort auf Charlie Stross • • •Brian Fenton
Als Antwort auf Charlie Stross • • •"We knew from genome analysis that there was something weird about the platypus's metabolic control system because they basically lack a functional stomach."
yet another bizarre thing about the platypus to add to the list
Als Antwort auf Charlie Stross • • •kurtseifried (he/him)
Als Antwort auf Charlie Stross • • •Matilda T. Zombie Queen
Als Antwort auf Charlie Stross • • •Mick 🇨🇦
Als Antwort auf Charlie Stross • • •Tom
Als Antwort auf Charlie Stross • • •smiddi
Als Antwort auf Charlie Stross • • •Charlie Stross
Als Antwort auf smiddi • • •~n
Als Antwort auf Charlie Stross • • •"But to get to a drug is a very long journey. We still have to learn a lot more about how this platypus hormone actually works."
So. That very long journey was turned out to be just a bit under 8 years. Not bad.
Charlie Stross
Als Antwort auf ~n • • •~n
Als Antwort auf Charlie Stross • • •Democracy Dies in Dumbass
Als Antwort auf Charlie Stross • • •GinevraCat
Als Antwort auf Charlie Stross • • •Jef Poskanzer
Als Antwort auf Charlie Stross • • •I was reading this stuff too. It seems like the key difference with the monotreme version is it lasts longer in the gut. The articles don't say so but that sounds like it could point to an oral version. Did that happen in the intervening nine years, or is it still injection only?
But in any case, I ❤️
Charlie Stross
Als Antwort auf Jef Poskanzer • • •