favorite new word i learned today: epistemic injustice
injustice resulting from the lack of language to articulate the problem
in the early 1950s, sexual harassment didn't exist as a word or concept. by the 1960s, it was becoming a phenomenon that people understood and recognized the injustice of. everyone who experiences sexual harassment but is unable to conceptually articulate their situation, or who face a justice system unable to comprehend the situation, experiences epistemic injustice (on top of the injust act per se)
N.Y. Hospital Stops Treating 2 Children After Trump’s Trans Care Order
#transgender #trans #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA
N.Y. Hospital Stops Treating 2 Children After Trump’s Trans Care Order
The hospital canceled their appointments the same week an executive order from President Trump threatened to punish doctors and hospitals for offering gender-affirming care.Joseph Goldstein (The New York Times)
Schaut in die Geschichte, schaut hin in die Details!
Wie wurden den Reichen und Mächtigen wirklich wichtige Rechte und Privilegien abgerungen? Praktisch nie vollkommen gewaltfrei.
Schaut in die Welt, schaut hin in die Details!
Wie werden Diktaturen und andere repressive Systeme überwunden? Praktisch nie vollkommen gewaltfrei.
Wisst ihr warum sie brüllende Frauen, BiPoc, LGBTQIA und andere Unterdrückte nonstop Tone-policen?
Lebensmittelchemiker: Warum Chemie im Essen natürlich ist
Medien erzeugen zu viel Aufregung um Glyphosat im Bier und hochverarbeitete Lebensmittel, findet Lebensmittelchemiker Simon Hammann.Kathrin Hollmer (Übermedien)
What Is the Diamond Sutra? The Oldest Printed Book in the World
We explore the fascinating story behind the Diamond Sutra, thought to be the oldest printed book in the world.
By Maysara Kamal
It is also the first known creative work with an explicit public domain dedication, as its colophon at the end states that it was created "for universal free distribution".
[from wikipedia]
Wow. Back in the year 868!
🟢 Bei unserem Event mit Film & Gespräch zeigen wir die zwei Kurzfilme „No more Pool Time“ und „Goodbye Milo“. Die zwei Filme nähern sich von unterschiedlichen Ausgangspunkten den Themen Wasser & Klimawandel.
📅 13.02.25
🕖 18.30 – 20.00 Uhr
💡 Alle Infos ⤵️
"No More Pool Time" und "Goodbye Milo" Special-Screening zweier Kurzfilme zum Thema Wasser
Special Screening der beiden von den Freundinnen und Freunden der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung geförderten Filme der Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg und Gespräch.Boell Calendar
Join @bkastl at this year's FOSS Backstage for her presentation on the efforts to build open digital infrastructures for public health in Germany through the GA-Lotse project. She will discuss the challenges of procuring, developing, maintaining and scaling open digital infrastructures in the highly distributed landscape of health authorities in Germany.
Learn more: 25.foss-backstage.de/session/b…
Get your #fossback ticket here: tickets.plainschwarz.com/fossb…
Building open digital infrastructures for public health
This talk gives an introduction into the efforts in building open digital infrastructures for public health in Germany within the project GA-Lotse since 2021.FOSS Backstage 2025
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heise+ | Android-Smartphone Redmi Note 14 Pro+ 5G im Test
Xiaomis Redmi Note 14 Pro+ soll einerseits günstig sein, andererseits gute Hardware bieten. Fürs Display und die Kamera stimmt das, anderswo jedoch nicht.
heise online hat dies geteilt.
It may be a good idea to have something available next to Signal that does not depend on (any) US infrastructure purely for availability reasons, I don't question the security of Signal itself.
I really want to like Threema, but their treatment of security researchers does NOT look good... Any idea whether this has improved in recent year(s)?
* soatok.blog/2023/01/21/how-you…
* soatok.blog/2021/11/05/threema…
#threema #signal #security #messaging
How You Respond to Security Researchers Says Everything About You - Dhole Moments
Tails from the Cryptographic Side of Security ResearchDhole Moments
Valerie Huber, a little-known but influential activist, has spent years shaping policies to restrict access to abortion.
Now Donald Trump is back in the White House her influence will be felt globally.
Listen to the Sensemaker: lnk.to/rCYjOZTH
The woman behind Trump’s global anti-abortion agenda
Valerie Huber, a little-known but influential activist, has spent years shaping policies to restrict access to abortion. Now Donald Trump is back in the White House her influence will be felt globally.lnk.to
Einstehen für die menschenrechtliche Brandmauer: Flüchtlingsschutz und Menschenrechte sind Teil unserer Demokratie - Humanistische Union
Uns alle eint der Wunsch nach einem Leben in einer Gesellschaft, die uns schützt und unterstützt, in der wir beteiligt und respektiert werden.Humanistische Union e.V.
Bundesweiter Protest gegen Rechtsextremismus
Gepostet in Feature des Tages @feature-des-tages-FlipboardDE
Nach Migrationsdebatte: Bundesweite Demos gegen Rechtsextremismus
In vielen Städten haben am Wochenende Menschen gegen Rechtsextremismus demonstriert. Allein in Berlin gingen mindestens 160.000 Personen auf die Straße. Auslöser war die von der Union initiierte Migrationsdebatte im Bundestag.tagesschau.de
Ouch. (I am not a fan of AI, but the market dynamics are interesting)
“#OpenAI charges $2.5 for 1 million input tokens, or units of data processed by the AI model, while #DeepSeek is currently charging $0.014 for the same number of tokens.”
(and as @etchedpixels remarks in the comments: you can m run the deepseek models on your own machines for free, a beefy laptop is GoodEnough™️)
Source: DeepSeek gives Europe's tech firms a chance to catch up in global AI race - reuters.com/technology/artific…
Rather distilled models yes, but the hardware commitment for the "real" ones is still quite pricey.
"Ginge es nach #Merz ( #CDU ), kostet #Privatsphäre bald extra. Wer Angst um seine Daten hat, muss zahlen."
Merz: Wer Daten bereitstellt, zahlt 10 Prozent weniger Krankenkassenbeiträge
Die "E-Patientenakte für alle" sorgt für Begehrlichkeiten. Ginge es nach Merz (CDU), kostet Privatsphäre bald extra. Wer Angst um seine Daten hat, muss zahlen.Marie-Claire Koch (heise online)
What Are the 5 Most Influential English Ghost Stories?
Ghost stories are an ancient tradition, often carrying moral or religious messages. Over time, writers realized the power of crafting uniquely unsettling tales, and this list examines 5 of the most influential.
By Lauren Jones
All these ghost stories are available at PG:
Die geheime nullte Folge von »Was ist und was wird« wurde gerade verschickt. Alle, die bis nächsten Freitag abonnieren, bekommen sie auch noch.
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"Common sense" is what you invoke when you cannot support your beliefs with either "real arguments" or "real data."
Common sense is the noise that comes out of you when all you've got is the vague sense that you must be right--somehow?--but even *you* don't know why you think that.
Common sense is a slogan for shutting down arguments without having to know or prove anything.
#bullshit #stupidity #apocalypse2025 #uspol #reasoning #reason #trump #conservatives #politics #fallacy #cognitivebias
on the other hand yours can be said to be an argument of the privileged academic, who through vocation and witty sarcasm, tries to defang any common sense upfront.
Common sense is simply knowing what has been proven before.
Common sense is quite handy imho for the everyday person, who does not want to delve into DOI to back up every word in a conversation :)
And common sense is ethereal. It is not in the eye of the beholder, that is opinion, bias, dogma, myopia, ideology, etc.
I'd argue that most people do believe that common sense refers to that which has been "proven before" but it doesn't. It's usually just a term for the mishmash of ideas that most of us carry around in our heads, some of which is true and much of which isn't. It's usually a thought stopping cliche.
Maybe you are privileged enough to live in a world where people only assert true statements, but I constantly hear people call all sorts of falsehoods common sense.
„Die Linke meldet mehr als 11.000 Neueintritte in den vergangenen zwei Wochen. Derzeit zähle die Partei 71.277 Mitglieder, sagte ein Parteisprecher. So viele seien es zuletzt 2010 gewesen.“
nennt man das schon „merz-effekt“?
Linkspartei: Die Linke gewinnt 11.000 neue Parteimitglieder in zwei Wochen
Mehr als 71.000 Mitglieder zählt die Linkspartei aktuell laut eigenen Angaben – so viele wie seit 15 Jahren nicht mehr. Mitte Januar lag die Zahl noch bei rund 60.000.Mathis Gann (ZEIT ONLINE)
stephie hat dies geteilt.
GitHub - tcgoetz/GarminDB: Download and parse data from Garmin Connect or a Garmin watch, FitBit CSV, and MS Health CSV files into and analyze data in Sqlite serverless databases with Jupyter notebooks.
Download and parse data from Garmin Connect or a Garmin watch, FitBit CSV, and MS Health CSV files into and analyze data in Sqlite serverless databases with Jupyter notebooks. - tcgoetz/GarminDBGitHub
A US security firm is hiring nearly 100 US Special Forces veterans to oversee the Netzarim Corridor in Gaza during the ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, with daily rates starting at $1,100.
#Gaza #WarCrimes #FreePalestine #IsraelApartheid #StopGenocideNow #CeaseFireNow #CeaseFireNowPermanently
#EndTheArmsTrade #BoycottBoeing #BoeingKills
US Security Firm Hiring Around 100 Special Forces Veterans to Oversee Gaza’s Netzarim, with Daily Rates Starting at $1,110
Gaza (Quds News Network)- A US security firm is hiring nearly 100 US Special Forces veterans to oversee the Netzarim Corridor in Gaza during the ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, with daily rates stQNN Team (Quds News Network)
"The true impact of DeepSeek is not on the technology but on the economics of AI. It is a chatbot as capable, and as flawed, as other current leading models, but built at a fraction of the cost and from inferior technology."
"It has ripped off the veil of mystique that previously surrounded AI. Silicon Valley has nurtured the image of AI tech as a precious and miraculous accomplishment, and portrayed its leading figures as prophets guiding us into a new world."
DeepSeek has ripped away AI’s veil of mystique. That’s the real reason the tech bros fear it
While privacy fears are justified, the main beef Silicon Valley has is that China’s chatbot is democratising the technologyKenan Malik (The Guardian)
#Autor_innenLeben #Autor_innenGegenRechts
Ich lese gerade auf Instagram von mehreren Autor*innen, dass ihnen offenbar nahegelegt wurde, sich nicht politisch zu äußern. Bücher seien ja unpolitisch. Aber das ist eine grundlegend falsche Annahme.
Zu diesem Thema habe ich kürzlich einen Blogbeitrag geschrieben: "Schreiben ist politisch" (Lesezeit: ca. 2 Minuten):
Ich habe schon mal 2020 über dieses Thema geschrieben, mit Bezug auf die AfD:
What’s the difference between Punxsutawney Phil and the Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment?
One is a silly superstition with no real predictive power, and the other is a groundhog.
em | שמחה
Als Antwort auf em | שמחה • • •