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Just got an all-authors email blast from the publisher at Penguin Random House, expressing their support for authorial freedom of expression and explaining what they're doing to push back against censorship, including lawsuits against book bans.

So this is all good stuff, right?

What's alarming is that PRH executives feel they NEED to tell their authors they've got their backs because they're under attack.

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Als Antwort auf draNgNon

What's going on over here is a Thatcherite government with Labour branding cringing and going "don't hurt me, bro" at Trump while waiting to be asked to lick the jackboot: meanwhile the Tories are trying desperately to stay far enough to the right to take votes away from the actual Nazis who are in the polling lead.
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I'm really grateful for my education today. I had a singing lesson and did my homework, which was to read up on the context of an aria, and also the poem the aria is inspired by. And I was able to draw so much out of it, not just because now knew the context within the libretto, but also the literary and cultural context of the work the opera is based on.

Also, today's lesson was great all around. My teacher encouraged me to do all the dramatic gestures I need to let my voice do its thing.

@aral If you want to make normal working-class people really aggressive and make them battle-ready for the communist revolt of the proletariat, send them this:


The "capitalism-loving" clown who desperately wants to be like Elon, who sold his company Loom to Atlassian for almost a billion dollars, never again has to work a single day in his life, broke up with his girlfriend for no reason other than being a toxic moron, and now has not a single fucking idea what to do with his life now that he won capitalism (other than trying to climb a mountain in the Himalayas with zero mountaineering experience, of course, and very likely endangering some Sherpas).

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Als Antwort auf David Culley

Is it normal that this infuriates me? Because this infuriates me.

Catcrawl, our exploration game about a cat in a new home, is now live on Backerkit. 🐱

If you like cats, GM-less/solo games, cats, human-made art, and also cats, back it today! 🐾


#TTRPG #ZineMonth #pnpde

Beatrice von Weizsäcker.
ist Juristin, Autorin, freie Journalistin und die Tochter von Alt-Bundespräsident Richard von Weizsäcker
#vonWeizsäcker #Merz #CDU

teilten dies erneut

I cannot imagine how it must feel to live in the US right now.

Like things aren't crumbling, they're destroyed with a level of malice, aggression, inhumanity and lack of respect for people's lives that it's incomprehensible.

Als Antwort auf tante

It’s only been two weeks and they’re nowhere near done.

The economy is going to crash, prices and unemployment will skyrocket. But the 1% will get a nice big tax cut.

»Palestinians released by #Israel show signs of ‘torture, starvation’
Dozens of Palestinians released from Israeli jails show signs of torture and starvation, the #Palestinian Prisoner’s Society said following the latest batch that was released on Saturday.«

Congrats "THE WAYBACK MACHINE" by Diego Diaz & Can Sark (57s clip)⁠

Honorable Mention of the Internet Archive's 2025 Public Domain Day Film Remix Contest.⁠

Diaz and Sark’s film is an audacious and yes, dopey exploration of the essential greatness of Internet Archive and the dread near-infinity of copyright.

Explore all the winners: archive.org/details/2025-publi…

#FilmRemix #PublicDomain #CreativeWorks

#18xx in Belgium.
6.6 to 9.6 this year. Registration is Open.

Someone want to visit it?

Als Antwort auf Richard Grant

@richardgrant @frankie_flowers
It might not be 100% though! Hashtags might be noticed if a post is shared more widely after you did the edit.

Die #Piraten #Leipzig sind nun auch offiziell im #Fediverse gelandet.
Hier werden wir euch über Termine, Blogbeiträge, Vorstandsbeschlüsse und alles Weitere rund um unseren Kreisverband informieren.

Hin und wieder wird es auch Parteiwerbung/Wahlkampfwerbung geben. Diese Posts werden wir dann entsprechend mit dem # Werbung versehen.


Mir ist gestern beim Schminken eine Ader unter dem Auge geplatzt. Jetzt sehe ich eher aus wie nach einer Schlägerei.

Neue Berichte über Misshandlung von Palästinensern an Checkpoints in der von #Israel besetzten #Westbank.

Wenn Soldaten finden, dass das falsche auf dem Handy ist, wird frei nach Belieben Gewalt ausgeübt, schikaniert und misshandelt.

»Israeli Troops Are Now Going Through Palestinians' Phones. Anything 'Forbidden' Provokes Abuse
Testimonies leave no room for doubt: There's a new kind of Israeli military censorship in Hebron«
haaretz.com/israel-news/twilig… (Paywall)


Assuming Josh Marshall's reporting here checks out -- and he's got an excellent track record -- ...

25-year-old Marko Elez, a Musk software guy with no experience in governmental systems, is pushing code updates to Treasury systems without first testing them

this would be incredibly reckless

Man, I wouldn't push an update to a *DIY chrome plugin* without testing it first


Als Antwort auf Clive Thompson

I'm sure Space Karen gave the changes a peer review. What could possibly go wrong 🙄

The Magic I've Found 18+ comic

Sensitiver Inhalt

Most Jews deported by Nazi Germany to Auschwitz for extermination were given the illusion of resettlement & new life. They packed their suitcases with all the essential items. Hope became one of the most important weapons.

Many suitcases we preserve and display at the Memorial are unique personal documents as they carry the names of
their owners.

Listen about the plunder of property in Auschwitz: youtube.com/watch?v=Gse2mP3ZWV…

(Photo: instagram.com/mariapitariu)

Martin Marheinecke hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Auschwitz Memorial


while viewing this photo without any context, it only took a couple seconds to deduce what it depicts, and that realization was followed by the nausea of familiarity with what's happening right now

Als Antwort auf Auschwitz Memorial

it should be emphasised more that robbery plain and simple robbery was a key motive for keeping things going. Much more than any religious aspect.

The Weimar republic needed gold more than anything else since the Deutsch Mark was worth less than the paper it was printed on. And the gold was in the hands of the Jews, at least so the Nazis thought. So plundering and robbing was extremely important.

So what was in the suitcase?
Exactly! valuables.

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Unser KV Leipzig hat nun einen offiziellen Account im Fediverse.


Noch ist nicht viel zu sehen, aber ich werde den Account nach und nach mit Leben füllen.

When the happy end of a movie makes you cry.

Damn hormones! I love it :squirrellove:

Als Antwort auf Sasha

... or the happy end of a book, or a computer game. I cried about half an hour after I've finished "To the Moon".
Als Antwort auf Sasha

To explain: I was already quite emotional before I transitioned. Music I liked made my eyes wet and so on.
Now my emotions are deeper and I'm much more aware of them. Since I was already well trained to control them, knowing about them makes me more stable, not less.

Unless … I intentionally let them loose, like in very rare cases 1of anger. In cases of being deliberately hurt or of injustice I can rip people's heads off. Metaphorically speaking, I certainly never physically harmed anyone.

Tausende demonstrieren gegen mögliche FPÖ-Regierung in Österreich

Die rechtspopulistische FPÖ verhandelt noch immer mit der ÖVP über eine Regierungskoalition in Österreich. Die Gespräche seien in einer "schwierigen Phase". In Wien demonstrierten Tausende gegen den möglichen Rechtsruck.

➡️ tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/o…

#Österreich #ÖVP #FPÖ #Demonstration

Als Antwort auf tagesschau

"möglicher Rechtsruck": Ist nicht das Wahlergebnis schon Rechtsruck genug? Ich denke, der Rechtsruck lässt sich nicht anhand der Koalitionsbildung festmachen. Die Koalition kann den Rechtsruck bekräftigen bzw. deutlich machen, aber sie IST nicht der Rechtsruck. Der Rechtsruck ist nach meinem Verständnis eine Meinungsverschiebung der Bevölkerung und wird unabhängig von der Koalitionsbildung am Wahlergebnis deutlich.
Als Antwort auf tagesschau

Hihi, immer wieder witzig, wie manche die Teilnehmerzahl mehr triggert als der Grund der Versammlung. Im Bericht steht was von 20K.

Is ja auch egal, das Signal der Bürger gegen Rechts muss hervorgehoben werden.

WAS? Ich bin immer noch bei 50 Euro. Was habe ich verpasst, welches Formblatt muss ich für die 10 mehr einreichen?!111
Als Antwort auf Korallenherz

Hab ich auch gestern gedacht :D Wurde doch erst von 30€ auf 50€ erhöht :D

Das US-Militär hat damit begonnen, die ersten Migranten zum US-Stützpunkt Guantanamo Bay auf Kuba zu bringen. Die Pläne betreffen laut Trump "kriminelle illegale Einwanderer".

In an (uncritical) Washington Posts Q&A, Bill Gates seems to admit that he had a ghostwriter. "He would write it, and then I would edit it."

I know, you're not shocked. But---ethically speaking---it matters. The real author's name should be on the book.


Als Antwort auf Tim Schwab

Absolutely wild:

He [Rob Guth] would write it, and then I would edit it, and then I would read, and I think, “My God, the impression you get here is just constant war.”

Especially after the anecdote about Rob Guth, who did the "research" uncovering that Gates did not get straight As in 9th grade like Gates was sure he had (?!). I fail to see how this process is producing something that should be called a memoir or autobiography. This is literally not the writer's memory, and it is not being written by him.

Yet the article is titled

Why Bill Gates buried a headline in his memoir’s epilogue

The Microsoft founder discusses “Source Code,” the first in a planned three-volume autobiography.

On top of crediting the real author, words matter!

UK: A cross-party joint statement from LGBT+ Liberal Democrats, Rainbow Greens, LGBTQIA+ Greens, and Out for Independence on Wes Streeting’s engagement with anti-trans organisations and call for his resignation

Read and share the full statement here:

Als Antwort auf Natasha Jay 🇪🇺

ukpol, transphobia, wes streeting resign fucker
LGB Labour very conspicuous in their absence here.
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Breaking news: Lambda Legal and ACLU are suing on behalf of PFLAG and GLMA to end Trump's illegal executive order banning trans care under 19 years old. The suit has been brought in Maryland. A similar suit was brought on behalf of PFLAG to end child abuse investigations in TX 3 years ago.

Families and doctors sue over ...

Und weiter gehts mit dem Siedlungsbau in Gebieten in denen historische Gebäude stehen, in denen Palästinenser*innen leben, die dann vertrieben würden. Alles um einen weiteren Schritt zu gehen einen palästinensischen Staat unmöglich zu machen.
In Ost-#Jerusalem - das Gebiet, in dem die Präsenz Israels illegal ist.

»#Israel Plans Jewish Neighborhood in Sheikh Jarrah, Putting Dozens of Palestinian Families at Risk of Eviction«
haaretz.com/israel-news/2025-0… (Paywall)


Wenn du in der Kollegstufe Chemie abwählst, hast du davon erst mal bis zum Abi Ruhe und kannst hoffen, es für den Rest deines Lebens nicht mehr zu brauchen.

Wenn du bei der nächsten Wahl Demokratie abwählst, hast du …

Trumps Vorstellung, sich die US-Militärhilfe von Kyjiw mit Rohstoffen vergüten zu lassen, ist absurd. Die Ukraine braucht die Ressourcen selbst. taz.de/!6063643
Als Antwort auf taz

"Nun Vlod, was soll ich sagen, wir sind doch Familie, aber die Zeiten sind schwer, die ewige Inflation, Du weißt schon. Unser Schutz kostet was. Und wenn nun der Vlad erfährt, dass Euch die Waffen ausgehen. Hmm... aber so weit muss es ja nicht kommen, Du bist doch Familie, Vlod, wir finden eine Lösung."
Als Antwort auf taz

America first, nach uns die Sintflut. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Sowas kommt von sowas…

Catcrawl is already 2/3 funded, in less than 4.5 hours! 🐱🎉

If an easy-to-learn exploration game about a cat in a new home with 35+ cat drawings in it sounds like a thing you might enjoy, you can back it here:


#ZineMonth #Zimo #TTRPG #pnpde #Catcrawl

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Das sind meine Brudis. Du Lump.

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This is more like it! We’re in a constitutional crisis and it’s good to see more Democrats deciding to fight. If you live in Delaware, let Sen. Blunt Rochester know that you’ve got her back.

For a couple years now I've been asking journos and privacy and civil liberties advocates still tweeting regularly: is there ANYTHING Musk could do to make you finally give up the platform? It looks like his Nazi salute was the red line for a good many of the people I was thinking of. And to them, kudos!

But even now a lot of these laggards are still supporting a platform hostile to a free press, privacy, and human rights. And to them, I ask the question once again.

Trust me, history isn't going to judge you kindly.

Uhgh, half an hour for sushi delivery? But I want it noooowwwww.

Nachdem sich die Union jetzt schon so mit den Kirchen anlegt, möchte ich ja nicht wissen, was passiert, falls jemand von den Merz-Bros auf die Idee kommt, mal das Neue Testament zu lesen…

Interpol stieß bei einem Großeinsatz gegen illegalen Tierhandel auf Raubkatzen, Schildkröten, Menschenaffen und weitere Tierarten. Hunderte Verdächtige wurden festgenommen.