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I've just found the perfect casual game for fellow #bookstodon people and others who love relaxed gaming :)

Just played the demo and immediately waitlisted myself :D


(also, it makes you want to read classics!)

#gaming #steam

Not yet in the driver's seat, but AOC continues to fight, speak truth, and run the diagnostics.

"I have a weird relationship with the Democratic Party. I don't believe in a two-party system, but I also understand the Democratic Party is a coalition and if we want the party to change, the balance of the coalition has to change. But right now, you open the hood on the Democratic Party, what you have is, I think, a bit of a power struggle over the last couple of years."


Wir starten verbreitet mit Frost-Temperaturen in den Tag (außer direkt an den Küsten sowie unter dem Hochnebel im Süden) - zum Ablesen in die Länder/Klick auf Zahl.

Russland ist an allen Frontabschnitten auf dem Vormarsch, muss dafür jedoch schwere Verluste hinnehmen. Der ukrainische Präsident Selenskyj ändert derweil seine Personalstrategie.

600+ USAID employees were just fired (at 10pm on Sunday night). To all of you: I'm so, so sorry. It's horrifying and utterly illegal and you do not deserve this.

Google Stops Malicious Apps With 'AI-Powered Threat Detection' and Continuous Scanning it.slashdot.org/story/25/02/03…

Die AfD steht im Verdacht, rechtsextrem und verfassungsfeindlich zu sein. Der Verfassungsschutz beobachtet die Partei und hat 2021 ein ausführliches Gutachten erstellt. Wir veröffentlichen dieses Dokument in voller Länge. netzpolitik.org/2025/verdachts…
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Days since the Australian army cleverly set the country on fire during a heatwave: 0.

In der Netflix-Miniserie „When They See Us“ geht es um fünf schwarze Teenager, die zu unrecht verurteilt werden, in „Green Book“, auf Lionsgate+ geht es um einen Schwarzen Pianisten, der in den 60ern für eine Tour in die Südstaaten reißt und in der Doku „Schwarze Adler“, in der bpb-Mediathek geht es um Rassismus im deutschen Fußball.

#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackLifesMatter #Fussball #Rassismus #WasLäuftHeute


Start in die neue Woche mit oft sternenklarem Himmel (pinke Regionen). Im Süden und andererseits im Norden des Landes gibt es Nebel/Hochnebel (weißliche Regionen - Erklärung unter dem blauen i; für Details in die Länder und Kreise).

PFAS - Hoch belasteter Meeresschaum an Nord- und Ostsee

An Badeorten an der deutschen Küste gibt es hohe PFAS-Konzentrationen, wie Messungen von Greenpeace ergaben, die dem SWR vorliegen. Greenpeace empfiehlt, den Kontakt mit Meeresschaum zu vermeiden. Nachbarländer haben bereits Warnungen ausgesprochen.

➡️ tagesschau.de/investigativ/swr…

#PFAS #Ostsee #Nordsee

Als Antwort auf tagesschau

danke Friedrich! Als Lobbyist hat der seinen Menschenhass schon gezeigt. Die #nocxu vernichtet Deutschland nachhaltig.
Als Antwort auf tagesschau

Mittelbaden 2012: Eine riesige Fläche wird mit #PFAS kontaminiert. Die Chemikalie gelangt ins Trinkwasser und auch ins Blut der Menschen. Ein Umweltverbrechen mit Folgen bis heute.

The phrase "You can't be what you can't see" is under major threat in every region that rolls back hiring progress to more misogynistic times when white men made all the decisions.

New way to get customer support just dropped

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Should we cancel all FLOSS (and related) conferences in the US?
Als Antwort auf Hubert Figuière

Canceling conferences and meetings in the US makes sense, as being in the US is now not safe for:

- LGBTQ+ (especially trans)

- women (especially pregnant)

- people with non-pale skin

- anyone with a food allergy (FDA is shut down)

- anyone with a compromised immune system (CDC is shut down; important health info is being suppressed)

- non-US-citizens

- anyone flying (as the result of the FAA firings; there have been multiple aircraft crashes since)

& whatever's yet to be announced

Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ Starmer fordert einheitliche Haltung gegen Russland ++

Der britische Premierminister Starmer will beim Gipfel in Brüssel an die EU-staatgen apellieren, eine geschlossene Haltung gegenüber Russland einzunehmen. Ukrainische Drohnen lösen nach russischen Angeben einen Brand und Flugausfälle aus. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.

➡️ tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveb…

#Liveblog #Ukraine

Musk controlling the Treasury Dept payment system is a colossal power grab an order of magnitude greater than most people alive today have never seen. It seems like most people don't grasp that. Could we crowdsource a list of real-life examples of the potential impact?
Als Antwort auf Rachel Gordon

I'm not even scratching the surface here and we're talking about millions of people's lives and livelihoods destroyed, not to mention much of the U.S. economy.
Als Antwort auf Rachel Gordon

Or they could share the database with friends and use it to demonize churches doing charity work for the poor and immigrants

Als Antwort auf lolcat

I was five or six when the picture tube blew on our black and white tv. It only got three channels, and westerns were going off the air, so my father never replaced it. And that's how I grew up without tv.

"Picture tube blew" was definitely the phrase we used, but yes, I assume something in the CRT stopped working. It might have made a loud snapping noise when it happened, but I could be misremembering. Regardless, the only real option was to get a new tv.

Als Antwort auf Kee Hinckley

@nazgul @hashraydamon
What timing! Early TV was stuck with westerns and not a whole lot else - your tube blew just as things were getting interesting! The three channel VHF thing was pretty common into the 80s when cable took off. The TVs I grew up with also had UHF tuners with a few more channels, but the reception (little loop antenna) was so bad, few bothered with it.

Hollywood's penchant for remakes and sequels has spread to the White House, where a remake of the Smoot-Hawley Act is currently in production

Police often claim that face recognition is just an investigative lead, but that’s not the way officers use it on the ground. A new report names two more people wrongfully arrested and jailed because of this dangerous technology. eff.org/deeplinks/2025/01/poli…

If you want to add a "small fee" to your public service, you don't want to help the poor, you want to make sure the poor "behave".
Als Antwort auf Marc "Anarchy" Godin

How will you know the poor aren't mis-using transit? You know, going here and there willy-nilly, visiting places they don't absolutely need to go, finding places they've never even been to. No, no, that way leads to chaos. Best add a small fee so we know the poor are only using transit for *necessary* trips. Wouldn't want poor people to think they can just go *anywhere* without a reason!
Als Antwort auf Marc "Anarchy" Godin

this reminds me of when Germany introduced a ticket that allows you to use any kind of public transport except for high-speed trains in Germany for, in the beginning, 9€ per month. In response there has been a lot of rhetoric in the media about how terrible it is that poor people might be using it for things other than absolute necessities like going to work, that they are using it to travel for fun. I guess especially after punks traveling to Sylt (an island which is known for being a super expensive place for rich tourists) to I guess piss off rich people was a thing (and the rich people were very pissed). So now, it costs 49€, and soon even 59€. Because can’t make public transport affordable enough for poor people to be able to afford to travel in a nearly unrestricted way, I guess.
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I think the most frustrating thing about watching Trump do whatever he wants is how it really hits home that Biden could have been doing whatever he wanted the last 4 years and simply chose not too.

Biden was never the guy to confront and defeat American fascism, he was just there to sell the liberals on it. And it went pretty smoothly.

Als Antwort auf sidereal

Trump faced no consequences at all for attempting a coup, in a country where you can be summarily executed for selling loose cigarettes.

In Ukraine, tensions are rife,
Trump's envoy suggested a truce, oh, what strife!
But Ukraine stood its ground,
No concessions were found,
A diplomatic dance of political life.

#GuardianLimerick #Ukraine #Russia #Europe


Ein Sondergipfel - angekündigt nach Trumps Wahl. Die EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs wollen sich heute austauschen, wie sie Europa unabhängiger und wehrhafter machen können.

f(x,y) = ((((y ^ y) * (x | 13)) | (-(~y))) / (((x * 16) + (y % x)) & ((x ^ 3) | (y + 24)))) % 9

Extent: 256x256 (scaled x2)

"Onebit" colouring scheme.

Hahaha a dude is fucken AIRING HIS GRIEVANCES to a brigadier.

Hi Portland! It's finally not January (jfc that felt like forever), which means we'll be meeting up for monthly letter writing at Revolutions Bookshop. We had to cancel last month so I'm extra looking forward to getting back at it and seeing everyone.

The space is wheelchair accessible and directly off the bus line. Beginners and newcomers are always welcome. Bring a mask and some friends! Everything else is covered.


#portland #pdx #solidarity

It survived!

My great grandmother made this Hawaiian quiltfor my grandfather. She started when he was a baby in the 1920's, put it aside, and finally finished it in the 1970's once she retired.

The one with the amazing portrait from last week. With a year she moved to Maui, having met her future husband there already.

So happy this made it!

#sewing #quilting #quilt #HawaiianQuilt #handmade #herloom

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This past week on my commute there has been someone writing homophobic and fascist stuff, so I've been covering it up. This is not to pat myself on the back, but to share how easy it is to carry a can of spray paint with you to make sure those things get covered as quickly as possible so that they know we are there to hold the line. Fascism is persistent, so we must be persistent as well.



Skynet, but it’s Wheatley: OpenAI sells ‘reasoning’ AI to US government for nuclear weapon security pivot-to-ai.com/2025/02/02/sky…
Als Antwort auf Amy Castor

Altman has an Oppenheimer complex. It's weird and concerning.

Als Antwort auf The Joy of Tech

Thanks #Doomald!
He HATES this name, so: use it, say it, tweet it, share it, forward it, pass it on, boost it.

Aww, a plush animal.


3 February 1918 | A Polish Jew, Chaim Schleider, was born in Jarosław. During the war he lived in Niort.

He arrived at #Auschwitz on 23 July 1942 in a transport of 827 Jews deported from Angers St. Laud.
No. 51372
He perished in the camp on 8 October 1942.

Tobi Lutke, CEO of Shopify, Canada's second-largest company, is defending Trump’s tariff demands, and is blaming the Canadian Govt for not stopping trade war.

Absolutely disrespectfully, Tobi Lutke is a bootlicking traitorous dipshit. I think we need to start cancelling our Shopify accounts. We have our own tech bro wannabe oligarchy in Canada and they need to be shut down before they grow like the ones down south.

If there are better Canadian alternatives to Shopify, please share below.

Secretary of State Marco Rubio today met with Panama’s president and foreign minister and made clear that the status quo with the Panama Canal is unacceptable and that absent immediate changes, “it would require the United States to take measures necessary to protect its rights under the Treaty.”
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Als Antwort auf Steve Herman

Update: Following a meeting with the US secretary of state, Panama’s president announces his government won’t renew China BRI agreement and will look to end it early. prensa.com/politica/panama-no-…
Als Antwort auf Steve Herman

President Trump to reporters tonight regarding the Panama Canal: “We're gonna take it back, or something very powerful is going to happen."
Als Antwort auf Steve Herman

Was that before or after they already did the China Silk Road pull back?
Als Antwort auf Jim Sullivan

I think it is back to some Republicans of the 1970s/1980s were salty about Jimmy Carter signing the treaty giving it back to Panama. I can easily imagine Trump being one of them. So this is one of those thoughts that still rattles around his deranged head.

Als Antwort auf Luigi Muffingione

another reason that gets missed/ignored as a partial explanation for amerikkka having fewer spontaneous riots and protests than other countries is the lower population density in amerikkka. People always say "look at what france does!" but amerikkka averages around 90 people per square mile while france averages around 300. of course there's plenty of other reasons why amerikkkans are loathe to get out in the streets, but this is one i don't see mentioned too often

lower population density has a wide variety of effects on the ability of the populace to quickly gather en masse. amerikkkans are incredibly isolated and not just because of (lack of) culture, there's car infrastructure, suburban environments, few community spaces, etc.

i think examining physical and geographic impediments to collective action can be just as important as understanding the political reasons people decide to stay home

You have the power to make change as a nonbinary person.

It doesn’t matter how many disregard you because you are “too complicated” for them to want to understand, or how many times your needs are considered irrelevant.

You will always have the power to change the world.

#NonBinaryPositivity #NonBinaryPride #NonBinary #exorsexism

"Checklist for USA federal data backups" libraries.mit.edu/data-managem…

NEW: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton is releasing a video, saying the church remains “steadfast” in its work & accusing Musk/others of spreading “misinformation” and “casting baseless doubt” about “funding that supports Lutheran (orgs) across our country.”
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