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Watch the First 2+ Hours of MTV’s Inaugural Broadcast (August 1, 1981)


Als Antwort auf Open Culture (Official)

lol their first song “Video Killed the Radio Star" by The Buggles turned out to be the correct selection 😬

Just heard someone on a podcast say “I’m more into the early Disney films like Pocahontas and Mulan.”
Als Antwort auf Chris Hallbeck

OMFG! I'm more into early Disney... like Fess Parker!

Sorry, but that ranks high! 😂

The only reason most under 50's know Fess Parker is the reference from Sophia about Dorothy's appearance (in the Golden Girls)!

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...
Als Antwort auf ash, legally

As many as you want :squirrellove:

Best scene of the whole movie. And it wasn't even in the script.

You can extinguish tear gas canisters!

Wearing heat-proof gloves, submerge the canister in a wide-mouthed water jug containing baking soda, dish soap, and/or vegetable oil—3 tablespoons of each per liter of water.

Cover the top with one hand, just enough to keep the gas from getting out, and shake the jug.

Never seal a bottle containing an active tear gas canister—you don't want it to explode.

One role you could play at demonstrations is to show up prepared to protect your fellow human beings from toxic gas, in case the mercenaries deploy it.

You can learn more here:


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#Invidious scheint mir nun leider endgültig tot zu sein. Sämtliche Instanzen, und das sind etliche, die ich gespeichert haben, werfen den gleichen Fehler.
Die Liste der als öffentlich genannten Instanzen wird (eher wurde) täglich kürzer.
#Piped funktioniert zwar noch, hat aber auch haufenweise Fehler.

Es sieht nicht gut aus mit freien #Youtube Frontends.
Offene alternativen wird es wohl eher nicht geben, weil man auf denen ja keine Kohle mit #Werbung verdienen könnte.


Als Antwort auf ⓣⓄⓣⓔⓃⓣⒶⓃⓩ

Freetube funktioniert hier auf Android-Smartphones stressloser als NewPipe. Letztere App zeigt zuerst eine Fehlermeldungen einmal oder mehrmals und rafft sich erst nach wiederholtem 'Push The Button' dann irgendwann doch zum Arbeiten auf.

Die Programmierer haben es aber auch nicht leicht mit den Google-Gegnern, die mit Zähnen und Klauen ihr nerviges Werbe- und Abo-Geschäft zu retten versuchen..

Als Antwort auf ClemensG

@clemensg Hängt offenbar alles von der Server-Instanz ab, was geht oder nicht. Die, die ich am Desktop Client probiert habe, funktionieren alle nicht. Außer nun mein eigener :)

okay lovely sysadmin dev ops types.. What thing do you use to make pretty graphs of mem usage over time for processes on a server?
Als Antwort auf Potato ENTHUSIAST

I use Icinga2 to collect the remote data from several servers onto a central monitoring server, and integrate it with Grafana to display graphs for each service.

This is rather old school now as I set it all up ten years ago, and I think there are more streamlined ways to do it now, such as InfluxDB and Prometheus.

Als je een en waterfles met je meeneemt naar de Efteling, let dan op dat er geen "Free Palestine" op staat. Je komt er niet mee binnen. Eerder werd een bezoeker om die reden toegang tot het park geweigerd, en nu zet Efteling het ook in hun voorwaarden. bd.nl/loon-op-zand/efteling-is… #Efteling #FreePalestine

Alles klar. Danke für euer Feedback.
Die Ausgabe wurde bis auf weiteres verschoben.
#DerApotheker 🥷

Politik, Musk, Trump

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Als Antwort auf Jens Bertrams

Politik, Musk, Trump

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Als Antwort auf Jens Bertrams

Politik, Musk, Trump

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Microsoft Paint Gets a Copilot Button For Gen AI Features tech.slashdot.org/story/25/02/…

Am kommenden Samstag, den 08.02., gibt es wieder eine Kundgebung in #Lübeck, diesmal unter dem Motto "Lübeck gegen Rechts - Nie wieder ist jetzt!"

Start ist um 15 Uhr auf dem Rathausmarkt.

Besonders wir, als die Nachfahren der Täter*innen des Holocaust, haben eine Aufgabe: #niewiederistjetzt !

This van build is my first automotive adjacent project other than maintenance and light repair of city cars that I otherwise ignored.
I've started watching videos about the history of auto body design, for example this short about the disappearance of station wagons.
I suspect that we're in the knee of the curve illustrating how many people live in their vehicles over time.
How can we make more humane, sustainable, and accessible conversions?
#vanLife #oligarchy #design
Als Antwort auf mc.fly

Diesels also seem much more prevalent in Europe. The USA relegates such things mostly to freight trucks. ;(

It's a generalization, but to me at least, all the best forms of motorized conveyance that humans have collaboratively invented, seem to exist outside of the USA. Japan and the EU seem to excel in such realms. I don't just mean cooler cars (albeit maybe some with less in the way of crash testing or emissions regulations as might be required in California) but high speed rail systems too.

CC: @trevorflowers@machines.social

"We're going to monetize the asset side of the U.S. balance sheet for the American people," Bessent said. "There'll be a combination of liquid assets, assets that we have in this country as we work to bring them out for the American people."

Mob tactics, ... nice storefront you have there, shame should something happen to it.

Read, we will threaten the world and divert the surplus to a vehicle only a select few can govern.


Quick question about the attribution feature here in masto.
Does the link go in the sites header or footer?
Does it have to go on each page, or does it work sitewide if it's a personal blog with only me writing?

#MastoHiveMind #Attribution

Als Antwort auf Manc AvGeek

p.s. As well as putting the link in the header, you may need to activate the feature on your Mastodon account's preferences.

Log onto your Mastodon server's website, then go to Preferences > Public Profile > Verification > Author Attribution and add the websites that you want to be attributed for, then Save Changes.

I don't want your AI image description because I don't want a direct literal translation of the picture content.

I want to know what the person posting thinks the picture is about.

Three different people could use the same picture to talk about bus stop design, traffic congestion or this one beautiful dog waiting at this intersection. They will have different descriptions of the same picture.

White women are about to be the latest to learn that when you support fascists because "they'll go after other people and improve things for me", "other people" always shifts to include you eventually

(Tweet by Trump's new Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs)

White men who think you won't be next on the chopping block: I guarantee you have a lot more in common with the "other people" than you have with the people in power.

#USpolitics #USpol

Als Antwort auf Molly White

speaking as a competent white man, I know that diversity is important and promoting diversity is not demoralizing at all. Listening to people from different backgrounds helps us see where I have assumed something to be universally true that isn't. This can be humbling, but less so than fucking up when these false assumptions bite me in the ass.
Even if they never come for me, I lose when leadership diversity is reduced because diverse leadership objectively makes better decisions.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (22 Sekunden her)

Ich habe gelernt und verstanden das nach der #noAfd jetzt auch #CDU Wähler mich EU Ausländer mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland seit 40+ Jahren offiziell als nicht gleichwertig und potentiell remigrationswürdig betrachten. Danke. Und fickt euch, Unionsleute. Ich bleibe.

The Young, Inexperienced Engineers Aiding Elon Musk’s Government Takeover
Engineers between 19 and 24, most linked to Musk’s companies, are playing a key role as he seizes control of federal infrastructure. #ElonMusk #coup #politics #USPol


In case you're confused about why #elonmusk calls USAID a "criminal organization": The agency played a role in ending his beloved #Apartheid.
#trump #fascism


People don't properly appreciate that the villain in a wrinkle in time is IT.

"I've been reprocessed once and that was more than enough. And I don't want to get sent to IT. I've never been to IT and I can't risk having that happen."

Als Antwort auf tedu

I have been thinking about rereading those books. I was so young when I first encountered them, my mom read them to me. I think maybe one of them was turned into a movie? Which didn't seem as if it was even remotely close to how I had imagined any of the stories.

The Israeli army is expanding its offensive in the northern West Bank and employing some of the same tactics that it has used in Gaza over the past 15 months, including the mass expulsion of residents, airstrikes, and large scale demolitions.


#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

Ich bin ein großer Paprika-Fan, sowohl als Gemüse als auch als Gewürz in Pulverform. Deshalb ist es keine Überraschung, dass ich Ajvar liebe, eine Paprikapaste, die in ganz Südosteuropa und in der Türkei verbreitet ist.

Ursprünglich bestand die nur aus roten Paprikaschoten, Salz und Pfeffer. Mittlerweile ist es üblich, dass auch etwas Aubergine mit in dem breiartigen Ajvar drin ist. Ich nutze es gerne beim Kochen als Teil von mediterranen Eintopfgerichten, aber auch auf Brot geschmiert schmeckt es fantastisch.

Es gibt Ajvar in mild und scharf. Als Warmduscher bin ich bei der milden Variante und kaufe das Zeugs meistens bei Penny. Das Glas ist dort lediglich mit einem gut ablösbaren Plastikaufkleber versehen und macht sich im gespülten Zustand gut für eine Anschlussverwendung, z.B. für selbstgemachte Marmeladen.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Stunden her)
Als Antwort auf ClemensG

Ljutenica ist besser. Das ist die bulgarische Variante. Da werden die Paprika ordentlich geschält, was immens ins Gewicht fällt!
Als Antwort auf einfachnurRoland


Ich werde mal meinen bulgarischen Taxikollegen fragen, wo ich das hier in Hamburg kaufen kann. Danke für den Tipp.

New: Github reveals some of the code and banal back-and-forth discussion used to clean a federal database of "forbidden words" in a dataset that tracks spending effectiveness for Headstart, which affects "America's most vulnerable young children":


Als Antwort auf Jason Koebler

Elon Musk and Trump are already purging the civil service of federal workers deemed insufficiently "loyal" while rewriting/deleting government websites that aren't "in compliance" with Trumpism.

The Nazis had a word for this process of bringing everything into alignment with the leader's ideology:


We are now seeing it implemented in the USA.

#Politics #ElonMusk #Trump #Nazi #GOP #US #USA #Meme #Memes #UnitedStates

Seit einem Jahr hat es in Bologna keinen toten Fußgänger mehr gegeben.

#verkehrswende #tempo30



Due to increased rates of high class citizen complaints regarding low class citizen productivity, Friend Computer has launched the Concentration Camp Initiative to improve focus!

Low class citizens and political targets are forcefully invited to come concentrate in camp for an indefinite amount of time.

Remember: Happiness is mandatory.

#ttrpg #politics

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Stunden her)

Around this time 8 years ago, I asked @sabcatsilver to travel to Bali with me. Both of our girlfriends had broken up with us at the same time. I said she could get over her heartbreak there. (Haha)

We went to Cuca, a really beautiful restaurant I love in Jimbaran. Somehow the staff mixed up our booking and thought we were there to celebrate our wedding anniversary so they did a whole celebration, which was confusing. And anxiety-inducing. (This was like week 2 of us hanging out)

She was into it, and now we have been married a long time.

The end.


I’m planning to move server to my own self-hosted instance. A bit nervous about the move process but the guide by @FediTips (here: fedi.tips/transferring-your-ma…) has given me comfort.

I’m hoping my lovely followers will transfer over in time (and that you won’t abandon me!). I’ll post before I do it all and make clear on the two profiles which is the old and which is the new one. I’ll lose my posts, but if social media is anything, it’s certainly ephemeral.


Als Antwort auf Brian Lavelle

Good luck with the move, and congratulations on creating your own instance!

(Also, as long as you don't delete the old account the old posts will remain on your old instance and will point people towards your new account 🙂 )

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Stunden her)

Elon is not an elected official.

He is not a senate confirmed appointee.

He is leading a fabricated dept. without Congressional oversight

And he clearly lacks any understanding of government.

He is dangerous and must be stopped.

With the Fediverse gaining traction again and everyone focusing on Pixelfed and Loops & co, I wanted mention that the Fediverse also has a #Goodreads alternative to offer:
It's called #Bookwyrm and it is not owned by Amazon.


DE-Pol, Demo-Spruch

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German voters would be well advised to follow the news about the rapid dismantling of state institutions that are of great importance for keeping life saving assistances working and about granting access to sensible data about US-citizens to the BigTech-fascist #ElonMusk who supports the election campaign of the far-right #AfD in Germany wholeheartedly.

German voters now have the rare chance to study the rise of a new kind of #fascism in the US that doesn't have to look like brownshirts marching through the streets hunting down Jews and communists to be as dangerous for democracy like the NSDAP of 1933.

Between January 20th - inauguration of #Trump - and February 23rd - federal election in Germany - all cards have been laid on the table for everybody to see. Whoever decides to vote for the AfD doesn't want any other outcome than what is happening right now in the US
