6mm scale Warhound titan pack painted
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Vertical solar panels have been shown to be surprisingly efficient.
The plants also have a cooling effect on the panels, which further increases efficiency.
Long-formers Activate!
Among the fediverse there are microblogs (your Mastodons, Misskeys(+forks), etc.
Then there are the long form peeps. We managed to all find each other at FOSDEM 2025.
Pictured is @matt@writing.exchange (Write freely), @pfefferle@mastodon.social (WordPress), and yours truly (NodeBB). We also had some good conversations with @johnonolan@mastodon.xyz (Ghost), but I wasn't quick enough with my camera 😩
Let's move the state of long-form text on the open social web, forward!
The open-source solar panel that passively tracks the sun using nothing but water & gravity:
I thought this ingenious invention might interest some folk on here:
The SunSaluter is a solar panel rotator designed for the developing world. Using only the power of gravity with a water clock, the SunSaluter enables a solar panel to passively follow the sun throughout the day, boosting energy output by 30% and producing four liters of clean drinking water.
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Principle: water clock, see-saw balance. Water drips from a bottle through a mechanical filter, reducing its weight and continuously swaying the solar panel. Needs to be refilled in the morning of course.
By the way, the thumbnail pic shows a misadjusted one, that solar panel is very much not facing the sun.
»Heute wollen doch alle eine Diagnose!« oder »Heute haben doch alle eine Diagnose!« Wer sich in seinem Umfeld als Mensch mit XYZ outet, bekommt meistens – und meistens ungefragt – solche Sätze um die Ohren gehauen. Als ob sich eins um jeden Preis ein neues Label um den Hals hängen wollte! Wollen wir gar nicht, aber verstehen wollen wir.
Wie sicher bin ich denn, dass ich im […]
Lemmy Development Update 2025-01-24
Add media filter setting by flamingo-cant-draw · Pull Request #5325 · LemmyNet/lemmy
Adds a user setting to filter out posts where the url_content_type starts with either image or video. ref #4988GitHub
Kriminelle schmuggeln 1,5 Milliarden Zigaretten
Zoll ermittelt über Jahre: Kriminelle schmuggeln 1,5 Milliarden Zigaretten
Über Jahre ist der Zoll einem Schmugglerring auf der Spur. Die Kriminellen sollen insgesamt 1,5 Milliarden Zigaretten in die EU geschleust haben. Jetzt gibt es zehn Festnahmen.n-tv NACHRICHTEN
Mmmmmmhhhhhhhhh .......
Ist der Schmuggel von Zigaretten nicht Kleinkriminalität im Verhältnis zu dem Verbrechen, Zigaretten herzustellen?
AfD-Verbot: Bundestag debattiert am Donnerstag
AfD-Verbot: Bundestag debattiert am Donnerstag
Sowohl der so genannte Wanderwitz-Antrag als auch ein Gruppenantrag aus den Reihen der Grünen beschäftigen sich mit einem AfD-Verbot. Am Donnerstag soll abgestimmt werden.Nicole Diekmann (ZDFheute)
Wenn die CDU/CSU unter die 30% rutscht, kann sich Merz schon mal nach einer Anschlussverwendung umsehen. Dann singt er Rio Reisers Text: "Der Traum ist aus".
See you at FOSDEM!
NodeBB will be making an appearance at this year's FOSDEM!
I'll likely be present at the Social Web dev room during FOSDEM itself, and will be presenting a talk at the Social Web After Hours event alongside @darius@friend.camp, @pfefferle@mastodon.social, and @j12t@j12t.social at Hackerspace Brussels (HSBXL), on Sunday evening.
I'll be talking up the SWICG Forum and Threaded Discussions Task Force, and what we're working on to solve one of fedi's hard problems: combating the notion that "the fediverse is quiet". Come and listen!
Thank you to the great folks at @ngizero@mastodon.xyz, who have kindly funded my way there this year.
Social Web After Hours at FOSDEM 2025
The Social Web Foundation and Hackerspace Brussels (HSBXL) are co-hosting an off-site event at FOSDEM 2025 in Brussels, Belgium on Sunday, February 2, 2025 from 19:00 to 21:00 local time. Social We…Social Web Foundation
Darren Aronofsky, Brendan Fraser – „The Whale“ (2022)
Jetzt mal ehrlich: Dieser Film war ein Monster. Auch wenn es „nur“ drei Oscars dafür gab, hat dieses kleine Kammerspiel für mich 22/23 die Saison als größte Überraschung dominiert. Es war schlicht unglaublich, was Arronofsky und Fraser aus einem Theaterstück extrahiert und auf die Leinwand gebracht haben. (ARD)
Mediathekperlen | Darren Aronofsky, Brendan Fraser - „The Whale“ (2022)
Jetzt mal ehrlich: Dieser Film war ein Monster. Auch wenn es „nur“ drei Oscars dafür gab, hat dieses kleine Kammerspiel für mich 22/23 die Saison als größte…Mediathekperlen (NexxtPress)
Ich habe den Film erst vor zwei oder drei Stunden mit der kostenfreien Software "MediathekView" heruntergeladen. In die Suchezeile "The Whale" und zack gefunden.
Baden-Württemberg: Linken-Abgeordnete Akbulut in Zug angegriffen
Baden-Württemberg: Linken-Abgeordnete Akbulut in Zug angegriffen
Auf einer Zugfahrt von Heidelberg nach Stuttgart ist die Linken-Bundestagsabgeordnete Akbulut nach eigenen Angaben angegriffen worden. Sie sei dabei rassistisch beleidigt und sexuell belästigt worden.tagesschau.de
Die Idee, dass man Hass/Aggression einfach nur einen Raum geben muss, dann geht er schon weg.
Das ist nicht nur eine Idee. Menschen haben Aggressionen aus verschiedenen Gründen. Natürlich sollte man Gründe für Aggressionen reduzieren (soziökonomische Situationen verbessern tut da eine Menge), aber damit kann man Aggressionen nicht auf null reduzieren. Das heißt, man muss zusätzlich auch Gelegenheiten und Rahmen schaffen, die es erlauben, Aggression auf einem gesunden Weg abzubauen.
Deine Idee wurde einst in dem Roman "Ökotopia" durchgespielt. Ist schon lange her, dass ich den gelesen habe, aber aus der Erinnerung gab es zur Aggressions-Kanalisierung eine populäre, gefährliche und blutige (Mannschafts-)Sportart.
A single post is somehow creating multiple topics with no replies
to: @devnullcc: @angus
Any idea what's going on here? It seems to be a different bug than the one where Discourse generates duplicate posts for a Create that later gets Announced back at it.
support to the Discourse plugin when I get a spare mo this week.
So I’m stuck in a weird place. I’d like to play much more but I can’t bring me to make it work. And the worst part: I’ve got so much done and dusted!
Every week I play Battletech with a friend of mine. All my Battletech minis are painted. All!
I’d like to revisit Star Wars: Legion. I’ve painted almost everything that FFG/AMG have released for Empire and Rebels. It’s a lot! And terrain. A […]
Sacramento, CA. I am not involved yet but I’d like to connect with them and see if I can support in any way. I’m an arborist so maybe they could use some free tree services.
Sacramento Community Land Trust
Sacramento Community Land Trust prevents displacement and builds historically discriminated neighborhood power to combat deterioration and market speculation by fostering equitable development...Sacramento Community Land Trust
RAD Housing
Explore About RAD HousingWhat does it mean to retrofit and decommodify housing? T2S ModelThe Transition to Stewardship model is a legal/financial approach to transition housing away from being a financial commodity Brassica CollectiveThe Brassica Col…radhousing.org
FEP-9967: Polls
FEP-9967: Polls
Link: codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src…
How to make polls in ActivityPub network.
NodeBB v4.0.0 — Federate good times, come on!
Welcome to the fediverse: Your guide to Mastodon, Threads, Bluesky and more | TechCrunch
What is the fediverse? Here's everything you need to know about Mastodon, Threads, Bluesky and others.Haje Jan Kamps (TechCrunch)
Dustin Hoffman – „Marathon Man“ (1976)
Wie oft ich diesen Film gesehen habe, weiß ich wirklich nicht mehr. In fast 50 Jahren hat er allerdings nichts von seinem Eindruck auf mich eingebüßt. Ein richtig harter Thriller. Ein großartiger New-York-City-Film, der sich lange in ihrem Unterbewusstsein einnisten wird. Joggen gehen ist vermutlich eine gute Therapie. Zum Zahnarzt gehen Sie danach aber freiwillig nie wieder. (3Sat)
Notes Towards a Solarpunk Game Design - Overview
Notes Towards a Solarpunk Game Design - Overview
Solarpunk Game Design Sketch by Scan101 I've always been interested in game design and how subtly it can teach and influence us.alxd - solarpunk hacker
I think we should write more about solarpunk itself so I’m glad for your post, thank you
Said that, I would have added at least one disclaimer about solarpunk games intended as games produced in a more solarpunk way: stuff like no DRM, avoiding dark patterns, being a cooperative or being owned by a foundation and much more.
Let me underline the “just a disclaimer”, I know you wanted to focus on the content and what I said would need basically another full post
Again, love your initiative and I hope more people will follow you 🙏
idk if ''should'' but if they do would be nice
hardware shouldn't become ''old'' in the first place, putting the heavy weight on the game devs solely seems unlikely to bring change
software libraries, frameworks, game engines, operating systems, recycling hardware... It's a lot before arriving to the people that wanna focus on the game
I was thinking about a separate blogpost on accessibility and licensing.
Some games, like Daybreak, proclaim to use open source manufacturing methods to be more sustainable and not pollute, but at the same time the game itself is licensed and copyrighted with no (known to me) invitation to hack or fan-translate, which vastly decreases its educational potential.
On the other hand, making an ambitious game takes money and markets rarely pay for fully open projects.
Open source (nor foss) doesn't really assure protection from the capital and/or consumerism...
On the other hand, making an ambitious game takes money and markets rarely pay for fully open projects
yep, hence why imo is better to not be fully open from day 0. The free software movement reached his peak, now it's time to evolve into something better. A software made by squeezing the open libraries and then the devs and then the consumers to then have most of the earnings kept in the company bank to get numbers going up for the capital is totally doable even while having the most free license.
As you say tho, it can help with accessibility and longevity.
I just would like to not see ''solarpunk99'' in some years made in the worst possible way. I'd rather have toxic games but made in a solarpunk way than ''solarpunk'' games made by the capital to sell us another commodified idea
should run on older hardware
How old are we talking?
Better yet, what minimum system requirements should the game be able to run on?
Steam collects hardware info (that people opt-in for) over the years. Here is the searchable database.
One of the recommendations in this list, Half Earth Socialism, pretty easily stole half my day by being a wonderful distraction.
I think it's a little bleak though. It takes a few tries to get it right. And it assumes a worldwide revolution against capital happened 3 years ago, a process that would probably take half a decade, and we haven't even really started in real life.
It is fun though, and it's nice that it teaches you some stuff along the way.
Half-Earth Socialism: The Game
Play as a planetary planner and decide what we should do about the climate, biodiversity, and human welfare. Can you bring the world safely to a better place?Half-Earth Socialism
Really inspiring Presentation about the future of Building materials using mycelium.
Lemmy Development Update 2025-01-10
Community post tags (part 1) by phiresky · Pull Request #4997 · LemmyNet/lemmy
This is the first part of an implementation of post tags based on LemmyNet/rfcs#4. It implements the following: The necessary DB tables Fetching the post tags while reading PostView (list and sing...GitHub
Free hot water if you let us mount servers on your home tank
The initial concept developed by the company involved using heat generated by Bitcoin mining rigs, according to Heata Co-founder and CTO Chris Jordan."We literally put a Bitcoin miner in a barrel of mineral oil and plumbed it up to a radiator," he told The Register.
Edit, because I think folks may be confused due to the quote I put in. They are not installing crypto miners into water heaters. That was just their original inspiration. Sorry for the confusion.
"We're not looking at serving real time workloads, we're not doing websites, databases, message queue servers," Jordan explained. "Our ideal job is; here's a chunk of data, go and process that for some hours. And here's the result," he said.This could still prove useful for 3D rendering workloads, finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, and others where there is a lot of CPU or GPU processing, he claimed.
Heata offers free hot water by mounting servers on people's water tanks
Novel use of waste heat by UK company – but it's still in trialDan Robinson (The Register)
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- This is funded by the British government. So that hot water isn't so much free as funded by the British people.
- From the article, it sounds like they're going to be using the customers Internet service.
- This is not sending 100% of the heat into the hot water. You will be responsible for that excess heat. That's why these trials are being run during the winter time. Expect the cost to run your AC in the summer to go up.
- Why would you wantonly let a billion dollar corporation into your home. When does that ever work out for people.
- They are cutting a hole into the side of your hot water heater. If you or they decide not to continue with this who pays to repair that hole, I doubt it's the company.
I personally don't see a problem with the idea of doing something like that, but doing some sort of widespread rollout like they're proposing, I'd rather see "useful" work be done. But yeah, at the end of the day, if we can better utilize waste heat then that's good.
Someone shared this article with me after I mentioned the idea of crypto mining space heaters lol.
There is a temporal demand mismatch I guess. You can only make the water so hot, and you can't delay the workload until you need to top up your water.
Crypto is a constant workload edit
Kurze, kleine, knappe PSA:
In 5 Wochen ist wieder Tactica in Hamburg und wie immer gilt: es wird voll. Wer also plant hin zu fahren sollte sich jetzt um Bahntickets kümmern oder sich schlau machen, wie die Parksituation im Umfeld ist. Denn „Parken am Bürgerhaus“ ist so etwas wie ein 6er im Lotto, außer man ist Teilnehmer und nicht nur Besucher.
Die Hamburger Tactica 2025 findet statt […]
Sparkurs der Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe: „Wir werfen bei voller Fahrt den Anker“
Sparkurs der Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe: „Wir werfen bei voller Fahrt den Anker“
Knapp 20 Millionen Euro müssen bei den DVB eingespart werden. Wie, das wird immer klarer. Welche Linien betroffen sind und ob Mitarbeiter entlassen werden.Dirk Hein (Sächsische Zeitung)
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teilten dies erneut
Animated Knots by Grog | Learn how to tie knots with step-by-step animation
Animated Knots is the world's leading site for learning how to tie knots of any kind. From Boating Knots, Fishing Knots and Climbing Knots to how to tie a Tie, or even Surgical Knots — we’ve got it covered.Animated Knots by Grog
Thank you so much! I saw an app on my phone that's called 3D Knots or something, but I would rather buy into an open source avenue that cares about sharing ideas and knowledge, so I hadn't bought it just yet.
I will now use this as a resource, so again, thank you so much! :)
I just completed my first substantial sewing project, using a pattern from this site! My hems aren't the most even and the neckline was really tricky but I'm pretty happy with it. This is the Sven sweatshirt design, and I used a somewhat heavy knit cotton/polyester fabric. It fits great (as you'd hope!) and will probably become my new winter pajama shirt.
The site is great to use - there are good pictures for how to take each of the measurements you need, and I liked the ability to manually optimize the part layout to minimize the amount of paper it used. I saw a tip on YouTube to piece the pattern together by taping it to a large window or glass door so you can see the overlap between the sheets, and that worked great for me.
My next goal is to do a Simon shirt in flannel - decent step up in complexity so I might do a few other simpler projects first.
MAGA’s Worst Nightmare: The Heroes of the California Wildfires
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.www.youtube.com
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Solarpunk School is in Session
A street university for solarpunks, dreamers and activists is launching in the UK this February. The London School of Solarpunk (LSOS) is a space to invent new ways of urban living and find positive responses to the many crises we're facing.
Facilitated by the Idea Factory, it’s a 4-week programme taking place in Hackney for up to 15 participants. It will feature lectures ranging from social art to energy humanities as well as cooperative economies and creative activism. Those taking part will also co-design group readings, discussions and social experiments.
Solarpunk School is in Session
A new academy for protopia and a wealth of other solarpunky stuff in this substackSolarPunk Stories
What are some aspects of your life that are currently solarpunk?
Decolonizing California’s Wildfire Zone
Decolonizing California’s Wildfire Zone
Verbena Fields in Northern California is an emerging model of what decolonizing land via Traditional Ecological Knowledge can look like, supported by partnerships between Native and non-Native communities.Sarah M. Pike (YES! Magazine)
Welcome to the New Non-profit on the Fediverse
Mastodon today announced a new non-profit to manage the next steps for the project. From our perspective, this is a great sign of maturation in the social web software space. Best of luck to Eugen and team as they take this next step. We look forward to working with Mastodon towards a bigger, better Fediverse.
The people should own the town square
It is more important than ever that the social web is not controlled by corporations. Today, Mastodon is taking another step towards its founding ideals: independence and non-profit ownership.Mastodon Blog
The LA Fires Aren't a Surprise If You Study History and Climate Change. So Now What?
The LA Fires Aren't a Surprise If You Study History and Climate Change. So Now What?
This Teen Vogue Take connects the work of the late sci-fi writer Octavia E. Butler to the Los Angeles fires that have so far burned through 35,000 acres.Lex McMenamin (Teen Vogue)
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Ok, thanks for the added context. My point is the same things were said about the Altadena fire when I was in high school nearby, the same year as her first Parable book was published. Fire was not new to the area then, either.
Look at my horse
Lesedauer < 1 Minute
My horse is amazing. Kennen wir alle noch. Oder auch nicht, wenn du zu jung bist. Ich glaube, das Internet braucht alle paar Jahre ein Pferdelied. Die Band OCP (On Company Time) hat die neue Pferdehymne abgeliefert.
#OCP #OnCompanyTime #Pferdelied
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.www.youtube.com
Jascha wrapped 2022
2022 ist nun fast zu Ende und ich habe mir ein bisschen Zeit genommen, über das Jahr nachzudenken.jascha.wtf
Walmart: The Toxicity of Economic Consolidation
Economic consolidation is killing us. Robbing us of value, dismantling the financial fabric of our society, and disconnecting us from one another. From Walmart to Uber to Amazon and beyond, everyone loses: consumers, workers, and ultimately even the heartless profiteers orchestrating this disaster.
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.www.youtube.com
Saw "The Wild Robot"
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Lovely story in Grist’s Imagine 2200
Last Tuesday, for Eternity
Climate fiction: What happens when an android making good on a pledge to return to the earth suddenly falls in love?Vinny Rose Pinto (Grist)
WordPress follow failure
@pfefferle@mastodon.social Thought you might be interested... I attempted to follow @evanprodromou@socialwebfoundation.org from NodeBB and found a fun little race condition!
NodeBB sends the follow and waits for the request to complete before recording the details of the follow (for backreferencing the eventual accept).
WordPress seems to fire back the Accept
, and then wraps up the response.
I imagine a lot of implementors do the same, but it just so happens that WordPress' response time (or at least the swf site's) is juuust slow enough to reliably have the Accept
come in before the Follow finishes.
So NodeBB hadn't recorded the follow request when it received the Accept, so the follow failed :laughing:
I've adjusted my code now so the backreference is saved before sending the Follow.
yes, that is because the plugin processes the follow synchronously 🥸
thanks a lot for tweaking nodebb to be compatible and I will see how we can improve that!!!
Als Antwort auf Emoba • • •